Chapter 9

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I watch out of the corner of my eye, as the heat wave like shield that hides the kamari, gets closer.
I figure that it's that pesty kamari that follows me around, she probably follows me around cause she knows I'm calmer than the others. I decide to tease her and walk right by her, my furry tail hits her leg, and I turn around frantically looking around, pretending im alarmed, I take flight and slowly fly away, watching as she follows me, I fly around and get out of her sight.

I land in a tree behind her and watch as she dejectedly lowers her invisibility shield, walking away I follow her hopping from tree branch to tree branch, like a squirrel, bored I follow her out of the park, but I stop at the tree line, she walks away and down the street, remembering my promise to autumn I fly to the planters and pick a ripe one and two almost ripe ones.

I fly back to the park and to autumns den, she made her den in an abandoned owls nest in a tree far away from the walking paths, unlike me who made my den under a bush in a unfinished rabbits burrow, only for the kamari to make a path right out side my home! I didn't move because it was a lot of work to find a good, hidden spot and dig it out, it was harder for me because I don't have any claws to dig with.

I arrive to autumns and ignis' nest, flying around the tree to make sure there are no kamari around, I land in the large oak tree, her den can probably fit give dragonets while mine can only fit one many two, " hello! I've brought sunburst berries! Sorry it took me so long the kamari was persistent and I wanted to mess with her a bit" " oh thank you! Ignis was not able to get me any, with all the kamari traffic" I put the berries down and she happily picks the ripest one up " was it the same kamari as last time?" Autumn asks " ya, I think she finds me easier to find and follow, because how I care less that they are close and because if my fur" " yes that'll do it" " so where's ignis?" " He's sunbathing right now, oh! I almost forgot! There was a hawk earlier resting in our tree when he got back from the morning song, he flamed it though, I don't think it'll be back here any time soon" autumn says while turning her eggs over in the sand " oh wow I'm surprised its still alive with all the protective dragonets and kamari around! Welp ive gotta fly I'm going to go to bed" " ok! Stay safe! and out of sight please! Though you probably aren't going to listen to me" autumn chuckles.

" Oh hi ignis!" I say as I almost run into him on the way out " I brought autumn some sunburst berries" " oh thanks are there any left?" " I think autumn left you one, bye!" " Bye, and thanks!"

I land in a tree letting a kamari walk by on the path before I head in to my den, because just because im ok with the kamari, doesn't mean I want them to know where I sleep. I squeeze through the tunnel and into my sleeping room, laying down. The only thing I miss from the lab, is falling asleep under the warm heat lamps.

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