Chapter 12

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^ Fan art I drew ^

When I wake up again its still dark, slowly the sun rises along with it a orange and pink sky. I rise into the air, only for me to yell from the pain as I fall back on the branch, I get up wincing, but continue the morning song, with a joy - filled thrill, doing twirls and jumping up and down. the pull goes away and I dirt back down, I check on my wounds and they don't seem much better but they do hurt less, slightly.

After grabbing an apple for breakfast, I take a look around my surroundings and spot the kamari city peeking just over the tree tops. I try again to contact the flock,

" hello? Is any one there?" But yet again it just bounces back against the foggy wall.

'What's causing this!!' I mentally scream at myself, I should just wait for help or for me to heal, whichever one comes first. I lay down on the branch trying to catch the sunlight that got through the leaves, I find a somewhat big sun spot closer to the end of the branch, I move closer, laying down in the sun.

I'm about to fall asleep when something shakes the branch, and I fall off spreading my wings to slow my fall. I land somewhat safely on the ground, I look up to see a squirrel chittering angrily at me, I'm so annoyed at all this wild life!

'well I was going to wait but now I might as well seek out help' I start walking towards the kamari city, as they probably won't hurt me.

After walking till midday I finally arrive at the edge of the forest, looking out onto the side walk I notice a kamari, waiting for them to get closer I realise that it's kufan! My kamari stalker! I wait for her to walk by before following her.

She takes a turn and walks into the kamari city, I follow her, trying to keep hidden by hiding behind potted plants, hidding from the kamari which was easy because the city's streets were strangely empty, except for the occasional kamari or hover car. Eventually kufan makes a turn into a residential area, I follow dodging behind a tree as she looks behind her suspiciously. Eventually she stops at normal house with a few potted flowers near the door and a row of bushes under the window, looking very similar to what my house looked like before I was kidnapped, just a bit smaller and more alien plants.

I wasn't able to jump in the bush in time as she whips her head around, she looks down at me in shock, I'm frozen but not in fear, more like when your caught doing something your not supposed to be doing, " what are you doing here little one? Did you follow me?" She coos I notice that she glanced at my wounded wing and slightly raised paw, I can't decipher what she's feeling because kamari have always been good at hiding their emotions. " Does that hurt?... No of course it does... Do you want me to help you?" I chirp in agreement though it comes out a bit strained from the pain.

She opens the circular door and gestures for me to go inside by moving to the side and letting me have room to pass, I walk in, the first room to walk into is a living room like area, with a hallway moving away and leading to a kitchen and two rooms with closed doors.

I walk over to the couch and try to jump up on to the soft cushion but strangely finding no traction, I give up look over to see that kufan had placed one of her lamps on the ground with a folded blanket underneath. Laying down, it reminds me of the lab, the dragonets hissing, the cages and scientists, I just hope that kufan doesn't put me in a cage again, especially since I willingly came into her house seeking help.

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