Apology Snacks and Coffee

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Maya's POV

"Why can't I come with you? Where are you guys going?"

I don't receive a reply from any of the three boys I'm with. Max and Mason continue to scan the shelves while Justin pushes the cart filled with food.

We were supposed to buy a few snacks, for me and my friends, but Justin took over. What was supposed to be a purchase of a few things turned into a cart full of chips and sweets.

I swear he's a five year old stuck in a sixteen year old's body.

"I also don't know where they're going." Justin says over his shoulder. "They're abandoning us, Maya."

I stare at Mason and he turns and meets my eyes.

"Hey," he walks towards me with a small smile, "I know you miss your friends. I just thought it'd be nice if you got to hang out with them again."

I return his smile. He's not wrong, I do miss my friends. Perhaps I've just gotten so used to being with him all the time it's weird he's actually going to leave me with anyone who doesn't know how to fist fight.

Meh, I've seen Shelly throw some good punches in the past.

"I get it." I smile and look down. "Do you guys have to...do you have to go do something dangerous?"

I don't know why but I suddenly feel very nervous. I look up at him and his smile has faded. He nods and I sigh heavily.

"Why won't you take Justin then? It'll be safer with one more person."

"We can't," he gives me a sad smile, "we can't involve him in this. We can't involve anyone else, it's for their safety."

"Just, be careful." My voice is full of worry. He smiles and takes my hand, guiding me towards the others.

It doesn't feel as weird as before when he does that. It actually helps me feel better. My lips twitch up with a smile as I look down at our hands.

The moment I look up at him, my nerves begin to get the better of me.

Why does he do it? The first times it was probably to convince people we were dating but why does he do it now? Is it to reassure me that everything will be okay? Isn't that usually a hug's job? Okay, no hugs.

"Hey, lovebirds! Walk faster!" Justin's voice chases my thoughts away and I try to focus on my surroundings, disregarding any worrying thoughts.

We take a turn into the drinks ailse and I bump into someone.

"Maya!" Her familiar beam makes me smile.

"Charlotte!" I return her enthusiasm and go for a hug.

"Where have you been hiding? I haven't seen you in forever?"

Hiding? She has no idea.

I open my mouth but can't find the words. It's not like I can start explaining that my love for the environment and my remaining two brain cells caused me to get involved in a fight and then things just went downhill after that and now I'm in danger.

"Junior year hasn't been easy on me." That's believable.

"Aw! Well, you're the smartest kid I know, you'll get your groove back and ace it." She assures me with a big smile.

"I hope so." I fake my own smile.

"It was nice seeing you. We miss you at Golden Age." Her smile turns sad.

"I miss you guys too."

"Hopefully you'll have time over the holidays." She suggests and I nod.

If by then I haven't been kidnapped or something.

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