15 - Fimmtánda

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Gramma and I had a simple breakfast of sandwiches that we put together from some leftover chicken and salad. It was nice to spend a Monday at home with Gramma, rather than thinking about the days of the week left to go.

As we finished up and cleared the dishes, Gramma started heading upstairs.

"I'm going to get some rest Rayne. Why don't you take a walk in the forest? It'll ease your mind," she said to me.

"Okay Gramma," I replied and dried my hands on the kitchen towel.

I went back to my room and decided to just switch to my walking shoes rather than changing the whole outfit because, well, laze.

I tied my hair back in a short ponytail, and was soon headed into the forest directly behind my home.

I made sure to keep my mindlink walls up this time, as I didn't want to be bothered.

As I walked, I realized I could breathe easier, my hearing a lot more sensitive in the forest, and I could almost make out what the trees said to each other.

They almost hummed quietly, showing me that they're just as alive as I am. They are the spectators of nature, and the providers.

I stopped to touch a tree, it's rugged bark unmoving under my skin, but it felt as if it was pretending to be still, and the second I'd move my hand away, it would hum again.

I almost felt like if I asked it a question, this tree would reply. As if it had a mind of its own, or was possessed by another creature.

I stood a little closer to the tree and decided to give it a try.

"Thank you for everything you do for us O mighty tree," I spoke to the tree in my mind.

"Don't do that. Lest they speak and frighten you," said an old-sounding voice in my head, causing me to indeed, jump in fright.

"Who said that? Who's there?" I asked loudly, looking around for the owner of the voice. A voice I'd never heard before.

"You'll find me," came the voice in my mind, followed by a small laugh.

Honestly I had no idea which way to go to find them. Their voice was in my head, and I was seriously freaked out. There was no one in sight, my mindlink was up, so how did they respond?

I decided to return home, as it was too much for me to handle for the day. And I couldn't take the creeps.

As I walked, I felt as if the walk was longer than before, and I found that a little odd. I started to take bigger steps, my walk hurried.

It wasn't long though, before I stood still, in utter confusion, in front of the abandoned cottage with the flowing river behind it.

"Ima. Why are we here?" I asked her. She was my go-to when I was unsettled or afraid, but she seemed to be just as clueless as I was.

"Ah, there you are," I heard a voice from inside the cottage. As the door opened, I peered through the darkness to see a frail old man make his way outside.

"See? I told you you'd find me?" he said. His voice was very old-man like, his height was short, his head was bald, and he had a long grey beard. I'd never seen him before.

"Who are you?" I asked him, wondering what he was doing in that dark old cottage.

"Why I'm Buri the Famous! You've never heard of me?" he asked me, the disappointment on his face evident.

"I'm afraid not. What are you doing here?" I asked him.

Does Valente or the Delta know a random old man is currently on Fathilagt territory?

"I live here! This is my home!" he said to me, all too excited about the cottage near destroyed by time and wear.

"How can you live here? There's nothing inside," I told him, thoughtfully.

"Sometimes all you need is a roof over your head, Raynhildur," he replied, smiling.

I shook my head in disbelief. He knew my name, and until a few minutes ago, I didn't even know this man existed.

"I came here once before. You weren't here then," I told him.

"I'm a traveler, I am not here all the time. You didn't trespass did you?" he asked me, his eyes narrowing.

"I... I didn't know it belonged to somebody," I told him honestly.

"Everything belongs with somebody," he said, walking towards me, but addressing the forest around him. "With one comes another. With you, comes another. Sol and Mani, Tyr and Fenrir, Geri and Freki, Fjorgyn and Fjorgynn" he paused and looked directly at me, "Thor and Sif."

They were all pairs, and one could not be recounted without the other, although each pair held a completely different relationship amongst them.

"This is my other half, Gridastadur," he said, turning his back to me now, to open his arms wide in front of the empty cottage.

"Where's yours?" Buri asked me, half turned around again.

"I'm, uh, still on the road to discovery," I said, sighing. I knew I probably sounded stupid in front of this seemingly wise, old man, but I felt too mentally exhausted to rethink it.

"That's good, my child. If there's ever any difficulty on your path, you'll find a safe haven in Gridastadur," he said, now turning fully towards me.

"It's time for me to travel yet again. We shall meet soon Raynhildur," Buri said, and went into the cottage, closing the door behind him without waiting for a response.


His voice cut through the trees, making my heart skip a beat. I didn't want to see him, but I couldn't wait to see him again.

Valente came running through the trees and stopped when he saw me. But he didn't stop for too long, he was immediately in front of me, pulling me into his arms without warning, crushing me to his chest as if I'd vanish if he let me go.

"We were supposed to train together today and you didn't show. I couldn't reach you through your mindlink either. Had enough of me already?" he asked me, loosening his arms around me just enough so he could see my face.

"And what are you doing here all alone anyway?" he asked, looking at the cottage behind me.

I just stared at his face, wondering how anyone could be so beautiful.

"I didn't see you at lunch either. Your friends said you didn't make it to any of your classes," he said with concern on his face.

I noticed the tiniest quiver in his lower lip as he spoke, which was enough to show me Valente was worried about me.

"Rayne? I'm talking to you?" he said.

I looked at him and smiled. I couldn't help but put my arms around his neck so we could be a little closer. He seemed a little surprised by my action at first, but he recovered quickly, stepping towards me so that no space was left between our bodies.

I felt at peace with his arms around me now, his warmth enveloping me. The anxiety was gone. I lifted my hand to touch his face gently.

How am I going to stay away from you Valente?


Author's note:

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