30 - þrjátíu

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Valente had walked with me to school today, and already I could tell everyone was looking at me like I was their enemy.

They didn't dare say anything, knowing the Alpha-to-be was by my side, but that didn't stop the accusing stares.

"Stop trying to take over our pack," I heard a voice in my mind.

Correction. It didn't stop the accusing stares or the accusations in my head.

I immediately put up the mind barrier, hoping the stares would stop on their own. I wasn't afraid of anybody, but of course their looks made me uncomfortable.

"Will you sit with me at lunch today?" Valente asked me.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said looking around at all the people.

Thankfully he seemed to get the idea, but he wasn't happy about it.

I saw Eidis throwing me a death glare from a distance, and I turned away from her. I just couldn't deal.

"Okay, at training then," he said, stopping outside my first class.

I nodded my head.

He reached close and dropped a soft, yet possessive kiss on my lips, winking at me before leaving.

I couldn't even process it before he was gone. Unfortunately for me, a lot of people saw that. And I was sure Eidis did too.


I tried to avoid everybody the entire day at school, even my friends. I did share my meal with them during lunch, but didn't actively participate in their conversations.

Thankfully they avoided the topic about my fight with Eidis and went on to talk about the training today, saying how it would probably be boring since we weren't going to be fighting again.

"What do you think we'll learn today?" Ima asked me.

"If it's not fight technique, then it must be something defensive," I replied.

"And you aren't any good at that are you?" I heard Valente's voice.

It felt good to see him on that seat of his again, knowing I had his attention even from so far away.

"Well aren't you a creepy stalker?" I said to him, a small smile making its way on my face.

"Says the girl who literally climbed into my room. An excellent climber you are," he said, smirking.

"Well at least I don't follow you everywhere you go," I said.

"And I do?" he said, his expression feigning disbelief.

"Uh yeah? How else did you find me in the cottage last night? My mindlink was blocked," I said.

Valente visibly sighed.

"I thought I was going to go crazy when I saw that you weren't home. Even though you said you were going there," he said. "I came to the cottage on instinct. I didn't expect to find you anywhere else."

I realized that I was glad he was there to encourage me through the shift last night. He made it easier, he numbed the pain.

"Thank you for finding me Val," I said to him.

He smiled a genuine smile.

"I always will sweetheart."


I entered the locker room with Dilja, Gló, and Irmelin by my side. They stuck with me more than usual during training, because they probably thought I was tough and that would make them seem a little intimidating too.

But in all honesty, I needed their company more than they needed mine. I shied away from the unfriendly stares and glares behind casual talks with my friends or just blending in with them in general.

I wish my emotional skin was thicker than this, but alas, I only look tough. Thankfully I was able to wear a mask of indifference, and pretend that the way these people looked at me, the things they said behind my back and in front of me, didn't bother me one bit.

I changed into a full-sleeved gym shirt and black yoga pants. I tied my hair up in a tiny bun on top of my head, and put on the one pair of sport shoes I wear on almost all occasions.

As we walked onto the training field, I saw Valente standing with his friends, including Kristján, in rows on one side. Valente looked visibly annoyed.

I looked at Delta Osvald, and immediately realized why.

"Didn't she learn her lesson the last time? Or does she want Eidis dead?" Imadis said to me, speaking her mind.

Imadis' anger seeped through me, and I couldn't imagine what business Sylvia had at training again. She stood with Delta Osvald, waiting for the class to assemble.

As soon as she saw me, she scowled.

"All right everyone," Delta Osvald called out. "Since this is your first time at this, your seniors will be joining us today to guide you."

He pointed towards Valente and his other classmates.

"We'll be moving to the forest for today's training session," he continued. "This skill is native to us Western wolves, and gives us an advantage if we're caught defenseless, or are facing an overwhelming enemy."

He looked at all of us, his gaze on me longer than the others, expectant.

"Today," the Delta said. "We are climbing."

"That's it?" Imadis said, clearly disappointed.

"Well you should just pack up and go home now butterfly," Valente said in my mind.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't even need to see him to know that he was smirking again.

We started walking towards the forest, but I noticed Sylvia had started to walk towards me.

I could tell my nerves were getting to me, but I kept walking, my pace slow and strong, awaiting her onslaught of words.

She couldn't say anything to scare me now, if at all, it'll make my will to hurt somebody stronger. And that's exactly what happened when she reached me, walking to match my pace, and whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"If you die today, it'll be no one's fault but your own."

Heir To The Iron Crown: Butterfly ✓Where stories live. Discover now