39 - þrjátíu og Níu

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As the next few seconds unfolded in front of my eyes, I realized two things. The first being that, we'd truly been out-smarted, sure. But that was only because we find it hard to doubt those we trust.

However, the second realization was far more startling. Something that we hadn't foreseen at all, but should have, the moment we saw Sgriosaire's warrior force stand in the middle of our pack.

Kristján was a complete fool.

He was a fool to think that Sgriosaire would enter Fathilagt on his command, to back him up in his fight for Alpha. He was a fool to think they'd buy his words regarding whatever he had to offer them in return. He was a fool to think they wouldn't have an ulterior motive coming in here in such large numbers just on the word of a boy throwing a temper tantrum.

As soon as he challenged Valente for Alpha, four wolves attacked him from behind, kicking Eidis away before tearing into Kristján with their sharp fangs and claws.

Before I could register what was happening, they'd killed him, Eidis's screams the only sounds in the gathering, besides the low growls that came from either side.

Valente had mindlinked everyone an order to not move, as the next minutes were completely unpredictable. And we could expect anything from the enemy.

One side had already tasted blood, but we couldn't tell whose it was. Ours, or theirs?

One of the attacking wolves shifted into his human form, his skin covered in only Kristján's blood and remains.

He stepped forward to face Valente with a weird kind of grace, as if he was sipping red wine on his penthouse balcony, and had not just ripped a boy to shreds.

"So good to see you again Valente," he said amiably.

"Femi," Valente breathed out.

"I'm sorry about Kristján, I was getting tired of his antics. I thought I'd let him have his moment of attention before I was done with him," Femi said, shaking his fingers out in a useless attempt to get rid of the blood.

"Poor thing though. He didn't even realize the position he put us in by telling us you were planning on attacking us, which would have failed by the way, and also promising to bring us to your pack without breaching borders! Can you believe it?" he said, almost excitedly.

"What do you want Femi?" Valente asked him calmly, although I could tell Valente's patience was wearing thin.

"Oh you don't know? All that snooping around you've been doing? I'd think you knew exactly why we're here," Femi said.

"Rayne you need to run on my command," Valente said.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about. Surely you want something that's why you haven't attacked yet?" Valente said, now clearly buying time.

"Sgriosaire isn't one to talk around much. We kill first, then talk if needed. But tonight, I'm feeling a little more generous. Maybe you'll comply without needing more violence?" he asked Valente.

"Once we start the attack, you will run Rayne, that's an order," Valente said.

I pressed my foot further into the soil in determination.

"I'm not leaving," I said.

"You've already lost Valente. Might as well give up now," Femi said.

"Don't you see Rayne? They're here because of you! They want you!" Valente's voice came through my mind and I could feel the disbelief as if it was tangible before me.

Heir To The Iron Crown: Butterfly ✓Where stories live. Discover now