loyalty and doubts

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Lockwood Industries
Head office
59th Floor

"Sir, these are the records of the last week's shipments."

John says handing him over the list, slight fear evident in his eyes.

Ashton Lockwood was indeed a completely unexpected and unpredictable man and this made people fear him.

Ashton's eyes remain fixed on a name on the list a little longer. John gulped his saliva and started to explain.

"Sir they sen-"

A show of hand from Ashton's side made John to go back to silence.

"WV Chemicals..... haven't I told you not to deal with them?"

"Yes....Yes...Sir...but they are a very stable party ...they never block our payments and we are in need of liquid cash right now to continue the flow of our working capital..."
John explained but Ashton didn't look impressed.

Instead, Ashton pulled up a chequebook and started writing something on it.

John was ready to plead...he didn't wanted his last salary...he wanted many more.
He for once knew what will be Ashton's next words.

He was going to fire him for sure.

As soon as Ashton teared the check from the cheque book and offered it to him, he was already shaking with fear.

His trembling fingers got hold of the piece of paper and he was going to say his last goodbye to his boss of last 5 years.

When his words were stopped by Ashton.

"$100000....I hope this will be enough to cope up with the present liquidity crises?"

Confused ,John looked down at the cheque in his hand to see it being a self cheque on Mr Ashton Lockwoods own personal bank account.

His boss was putting in funds into the business from his own personal savings and this made John respect him more.

"But Sir....if even two of our debtors repay us we will be fine...you don't need to do this.."

Ashton was back on his Laptop ignoring John's next words.
It was his past habit of dismissing others by showing his lack of interest in them.

He claimed the title of being rude and arrogant in his office/associates and you can already guess why.

John decided to keep his mouth shut and leave when he again got an unexpected reply.

"WV Chemicals is associated in illegal activities and I don't want us to be associate with them any further. Demand dues and end our dealings in future."

"Sorry, Sir I didn't know...I will do it immediately."

"And Mr John?"

"Yes Sir?"

"You are in this position because you have earned my trust... don't do anything in future that will make me doubt it."

John's face lost colour.
His boss knew of him getting offered a commission by the secretary of WV Chemicals.
He knew about it all along but he didn't show it.

Thank God he didn't accept their offer till now or else no one could have saved him today.

Now he knew WV Chemicals were not only playing a dirty game by bribing him but were also involved in illegal activities.
He will cut his ties with the.

"Y..es..sir....I will never"

Ashton's eyes locked with his for a second and John stared back with promise and truth in his eyes.

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