In silence he bleeds

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I was searching for a beauty that turned heads,

To only realise one day

That thousands are capable to turn heads, but only you are capable to flutter my heart.


I knew a long time ago that the only place I deserve after death is hell, but trust me Elle. I didn't knew it was going to be because of you. Never.


"Excuse me, Sir!

A nurse called him with concern evident on her face.
But he sat there lost in his own world.


Only when she tapped his shoulder did his tired eyes looked up at her.

"Huh? What?"

"You wound is bleeding again...I need to clean it"

He looked down and nodded.
Making the nurse to go and get her supplies.

Trail of dried blood was getting cleaned by the cotton dub, but he looked least concerned.

His eyes only fixed on the person lying on the hospital bed, with tubes plugged in everywhere.

The rectangular glass window of the room only gave him access to her slight view, but it was enough for him to reflect on the reality of the situation.

The nurse expected him to wince as she operated without anaesthesia, but to her surprise, he looked inhuman.

His face was stone cold with eyes drowning in pools of regret.

Those hands were pressed together, clutching each other as if they were his only support.
His leg moving frantically, showing the anxiousness of his mind.

"Ash ...what did the doctor say?"

Lorena came towards him along with others.
Her voice sounded strained like she had shed her own share of tears.

Everyone surrounded him to ask for answers, but sadly he was burdened under his own weight of regret.

He was deaf to them and their interrogation.

"Tell me, Ash! Tell me what did you do!! I told you dammit! I told you to tell her everything!!

" promised me you will keep her safe!"

She shook his entire frame in anger and that was when he listened to her frustrated cries.

His mouth opened but sadly no word left.

"She is carrying your child goddamit! How could you leave her to that witch!"

This time it was Jake, his cries echoing the silent halls of the hospital.

"You should be ashamed to call yourself her husband....she loved you like crazy...she rejected me just to be with an egoistic bastard like you! She.....she said she will always remain faithful to you....she loved you and you repay her love like this!"

His words hit the right nerve.
Ashton felt his world break down at his feet.
His lifeless eyes land on those bloodshot ones that made him ashamed of his selfish love.

"If anything happens to her....if ...I will fuc**** kill you!!"

Jake had now grabbed his collar and pushed him back.
To only make Ashton's numb body to land on the seats behind.

Lorena stopped Jake to only have him scream profanities at him.

"You don't deserve her! You are nothing in front of her!
You ass****!! You bas***!
Leave me Lorena..I will murder him today!!"

His not so beautiful wifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt