In the end (Epilogue)

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First of all, thank you so much for your support throughout this beautiful journey.
The journey is finally at its end.

Thank you
For all those inspiring words and motivating smiles.

This illusionary world of HNSBW is 'beautiful' just because of one reason.

And that is the love of all of you beautiful readers.

Enjoy the last chapter!
Longest of all!


She stood at my side ,looking at a beautiful model sending me seductive signs.

To only have me grab her tiny wrist and land a punishing kiss on to her tempting lips .

"You are the purest beauty of all that stood by my side, with that beautiful smile to light up all my dark nights."


7 years later


Chaos filled the canteen as everyone rushed to take in the rumoured scene.

There at the centre stood two boys with blood flowing from their lips.

While one looked badly bruised, others had only a few traces of blood on his lips.

There were people holding back the younger one, but the anger in him made even the seniors step back from him.

While the other one smirked at getting a response from him.
Cleaning his wound, he stood up to provoke him more

"What happened Mama's boy? She didn't come to save you?"

The seniors accompanying the other one laughed at his comment.

"Oh I forgot can she save you when she is cr-"

The boy couldn't complete his sentence as continuous punches landed on his nasty mouth.
The little boy had just managed to bring down a boy almost double his size.

His innocent eyes looking at the senior with a coldness that no child seemed to possess at such a young age.

"One word more against my mother and you won't leave this canteen alive!"

The threat in his voice didn't seem to come out from a 7-year-olds lips.
But his aura proved it all.

Only when the teachers came and literally lifted him off the ground did he stop.

The other one after suffering brutal punches laid on verge of unconsciousness.
And this gave the little boy content.

"Ethan this will never be are being called to the principal's office"

But the boy didn't care, his brown eyes held content seeing the boy unconscious on the canteen floor.


"Sir Ashton I am really sorry to call you so urgently but your son's violent behaviour cannot be tolerated here"

The Principal said while adjusting his glasses and pulling out some papers.

Ashton's eyes fell on his son who sat there in silence.
A complete contrast to his behavioural temperament in the canteen a few hours ago.

"I understand Mr Mathew but Ethan doesn't behaves like this usually.
He is a well-mannered kid.
You can ask the teachers if you want to."

His not so beautiful wifeWhere stories live. Discover now