The girl from his past

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"His coldness is soul-numbing but his sweetness can be heart-melting"

She was getting bored listening to his business talks.
On top of that, her body was in a desperate need of stretching.

He has been driving for the last 5 hours with his business talks going on non-stop.

"Yes .... .....that will be all.....okay... bye"

As soon as he ended the bluetooth call she sighed in relief.

"Can we....stop somewhere ?"

He ignored her like usual focusing on the road ahead.

"Please, Ashton! My legs are numb and my stomach is growling in hunger!"

He gave her an irritated look to return to accepting another call that was displaying on the touch screen.

"Hello...Good evening Mr Anderson....ya the order is on its way-"

Again! This man is impossible! Is he a robot or what!
Doesn't he feel hungry? He can't be human for sure.

Trying to stretch her legs she pulled her feet out of her sneakers to place them on the dashboard.
Just before her foot could touch it an angry voice boomed at her.

"Don't you dare place your filthy foot on my dashboard!!"

She looked at him shocked with her feet still in the air.

"I am wearing socks and they are not dirty ! See!"

She tried showing him her clean socks when he slammed his foot on the breaks.

"You are so damn disgusting woman! Gross!
Just get out of my car ! I am stopping for 5 minutes"

She smiled with happiness and ran out of the car slamming his door shut.

He cringed when she slammed his door with much more force than needed.
He loved his Maserati alot and anyone even touching it irritated him.

He continued his call with his eyes fixed on her as she started jumping on the road.

'This girl is crazy'

He thought.

She came back inside to see him still busy in his business call.

Starting the engine they again hit the road with her looking at the beautiful sceneries passing them by.

"We will reach in 30 minutes at most. You can relax at the hotel while I attend my meeting."

She looked at him surprised and a bit angry.

"Didn't you say we were going on our honeymoon? "

"Yes it is "

He said ignoring her irritating questions.
He was not in the habit of answering others.

"But....this is more like a business trip! You will work there while I will sulk in my hotel room! You lied to me!"

Her full attention was now on him as she had turned around to fully face him.

"I never meeting was planned months are just an addition to it....."

"A baggage to be exact....."
He spoke the last words slowly to himself but she heard him.

"Why are you always so damn cold! Can't you talk like a civil being without disrespecting me in every sentence you utter!"

"I never disrespected you"

"Oh really! You mean to say I am lying when all you have been doing sinc-"

His not so beautiful wifeWhere stories live. Discover now