Chapter 2

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Lavanya was riding in a horse with Harsh . She was in the World of dreams. She could feel that she was traveling but unable to open her eyes, she was trapped . A tear started to form thinking about her life

A middle aged woman bowed at Drishti and Lavanya gave out an annoyed look , Praneel stood confused in front of his most important woman .
"Behave nicely" whispered Drishti in Lavanya's ears
"Why?" Asked Lavanya with annoyance
"She is your aunt" said Drishti with a bit of strictness
"More like a witch" said Lavanya  which made a chuckle out of Drishti
"Lav" said Drishti

They both waited for Lakshya who just went with his minister who called him . Lavanya and Drisht' mind lingered a question "why did he call him ? Is there any problem?" . Both of them knew they both had the same question and both didn't know the answer.

A woman who was same aged as Lavanya walked towards Lavanya . She was beautiful, the most striking feature that any one will notice was her hair ,  most of the woman maintained long hair except a few but their would be at least near their forearm but this woman only had her hair till her shoulders .

"Jam" called out Lavanya and hugged her tight
"Lav you will kill me" said Jam and Lavanya let go her
"Jamina how are you" asked Drishti
"Great my queen " said Jamina
"Call me Drishti did like Lavanya , you are like my sister itself and calling me queen makes me feel like we are strangers" said Drishti with a pout .
Praneel imitated Drishti's pout making the atmosphere filled with cuteness, love and happiness
"Ok Drishti di " said Jamina
"Beautiful Dress" said Drishti
" this one , this is nothing Infront of yours but I'll never wear your lehenga type it's too much of trouble " said Jamina , the formula of Lavanya and Jamina friendship was their rebel mechanism. Jamina hated all the girly Norms, she wanted to be a soldier but she couldn't because she was a girl. This made her hate the girly norms and made her more of a rebel , a perfect match for Lavanya.
Just like Lavanya , Jamina had knives hid in her pants . Jamina was kind of Lavanya's protector , she was not trained much but due to her interest she knew what she needed and was perfect for Lavanya's protection. Lavanya herself wasn't less .
Lavanya was 10 years old and Jamina too 10 years old. Jamina always wanted to be a soldier and join the army when she was 18 .Lavanya was a princess and she would start training soon.
"Brother please" begged Lavanya
"No " said Lakshya
" Please let Jamina Join with me " said Lavanya
" no" said Lakshya
"I won't train unless she joins me " said Lavanya with stubbornness flowing through her words
"Why are you stubborn " asked Lakshya annoyingly
"It's her dream , you won't let it be complete but at least this , she is my bestie" said Lavanya
" ok then " said Lakshya and Lavanya ran to meet Jamina and inform the news

Lavanya and Jamina are 15 years old, being best of friends.
" Jamina I'll look out for you and now training batch is the new one so it would be from the start " whispered Lavanya
"Thanks for everything " said Jamina
" it's nothing " said Lavanya

Jamina sneaked and learned everything they taught and practiced it

" do you know where my brother is" asked Lavanya
" it's just rumors I heard while coming , you know how much I hate gossip " said Jamina trying to stall
" tell" said Lavanya
" I think there is a probability of it being true due to what all happening " said Jamina
" stop stalling and tell" half screaming said Lavanya
"Dakshesh is planning attack on us , I don't know how much percentage it's true"said Jamina
"What is happening Ladies" said Lakshya sneaking upon the ladies
" Just waiting for you, is everything ok" asked Drishti
" what can go wrong if my queen is with me ' said Lakshya
"Brother the ceiling will break" said Lavanya and there was flow of laughter
"We have a puja to do" said Drishti
"Ok lets do it " said Lakshya with confidence

Lavanya's mind got puzzled by that sentence , it's a type of war cry and her brother used it plus what Jamina said was enough, she knew something is wrong and brother is not saying to maintain peace. She thought to pray that everything is going to be alright .

Drishti and Lakshya held the thali together to do the puja , they both did the puja . Their chemistry was well known all around the kingdom. Even while doing the puja their love for each could be seen in each other's eyes.

Praneel and Lavanya did the puja together , they were the cutest . The feeling of happiness was surrounded by the palace .

"King they are near it's sure" said the head of defense
"What is happening " asked Drishti
"Dakshesh is planning attack on us , I need to get ready" said Lakshya

"Jamina go" said Lavanya and Jamina understood what to do

Inside the room of Drishti and Lakshya there was fear even though they were confident. The fear of loosing each other
Drishti was helping Lakshya put his was dress.
"Drishti " called out Lakshya
" tell my love" said Drishti
" if any thing happen please be ready for Johar " said Lakshya
"I will take care everything " said Drishti
"We will win for sure" said Lakshya

Drishti hugged Lakshya tight , the talk of made a fear in Drishti. She wasn't ready to lose everything. She was scared of loosing her love .

" nothing will happen my love , I won't let anything happen " Lakshya
"But " Drishti said and Lakshya put his finger over her lips
" I told about johar because I don't even their sight over my beautiful queen and that's the feeling if many other husbands and fathers leaving for the war , that's why nothing more I don't want to take a chance on it " said Lakshya trying to calm down his wife , her tears made a pain on his heart . They both hugged each other as there is no tomorrow.....

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