Chapter 10

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Lavanya hugged Piara
"Piara I can't marry him, I won't " Lavanya whispered in her ear
"Don't say or do that " whispered Piara
"I'll only marry him over my dead body" said Lav
"Please don't do that , this will make things worse for everyone " whispered Piara

Lavanya got out of the hug and Piara's pleading was evident in her eyes. Lavanya started walking away and a hand caught her hand . That hand pulled her towards, she was going to fall but the hand caught her . Her beautiful brown eyes met his and found the person who the hand belonged too .

"Where are you going pearl" asked Harsh
"Away from you " spatted Lavanya and Piara nodded in no
"I knew this was going to happen" said Harsh
" you can't stop me" said Lavanya
" I had a wedding surprise and I can't let you leave without seeing your gift " said Harsh
"I don't want to see anything, I just want to go " said Lavanya
"It will be a huge disappointment if you left without seeing the gift " he said with a fake pout

He signaled to bring the gift and a sinister smile was appeared in his face . Piara knew it was going to be a big pain for Lavanya and Lavanya stood there confused seeing what is happening around her. She was spellbound and surprised seeing her gift . Harsh started moving towards the gift.

"Here is your gift Lavanya , the king ;sorry ex king Lakshya Chatura" said Harsh and Lavanya stood there speechless
"Brother" words somehow came out of Lavanya's mouth
"Lavanya " said Lakshya somehow

He had bruises all over the body, he had a few cuts here and there . Someplaces had a bandage and he was not  in a great health. Lavanya felt her stomach churning seeing the condition of her brother , she had several questions in her mind.

"My pearl you are happy with you're gift so now lets get married " said Harsh
"I would not marry you" shouted Lavanya
"A scream will make your throat sore, your throat needs a lot to do in future " said Harsh with a wink . Lavanya started walking towards Lakshya
"No doll, stop there" said Harsh
"No " said Lavanya
"It's getting late for our marriage " said Harsh
"I would not marry you" said Lavanya
"You sure" asked Harsh
"Never been this sure in my life" said Lavanya
"I am not that bad hearted so I will ask you , are you sure that you do not want to get married to me" asked Harsh
"Yes " said Lavanya
" asking for the last time , do you want to marry me" said Harsh
"No , no and no" said Lavanya
"Ok " said harsh
Harsh went near Piara
"Piara dear do you think I'm short tempered " asked  harsh and Piara nodded in a yes
"Tell in words and not actions darling " said harsh
"Yes" said Piara and she knew that everything is going bad because he is getting sarcastic
"Piara darling do you think I do injustice " said Harsh
" no" said Piara
"Lavanya look Piara darling agrees so don't tell that what I'm going to do is injustice " said Harsh
"Harsh don't do anything that will make me regret " pleaded Piara
"Piara darling it's just Lavanya being stubborn, everything has its opposite reaction " said Harsh

Harsh signaled the soldier near Lakshya. The soldier took a knife and made a cut in Lakshya's arms . Lavanya stood there without any reaction other than a lone tear from her eyes. Lakshya flinched in pain and Harsh had a sinister smile . All the ladies had a feared expression except for Piara because she knew something like this was going to happen.
"Brother" at last came out of Lavanya's mouth
"By the way Lavanya we are not going to get the cuts happening now and in the future treated"said Harsh
"Why" was the words that came out of Lavanya's mouth seeing blood dripping from her brother's wound
"Every time the soldier count till 30 a new gift till you agree" said Harsh
Lavanya stood there without any reaction but burning in pain in the inside and Harsh with a sinister smile. The soldier took out the knife and made a big cut in Lakshya's  other hand
"Brother " cried out Lavanya
"Don't say anything Lavanya " said Lakshya
"People say I'm heartless and there is you who I think is enjoying her brother in pain " said Harsh

Lavanya felt her stomach churning seeing her brother bleeding. She felt burning in pain seeing her brother flinch in pain and it was due to her stubbornness, she felt regret of not joining her family in Johor . The soldier pointed out the knife again for an another cut . He removed that cloth for injury in Lakshya's chest , he made a cut of Lakshya's chest.
"Aah " screamed Lakshya and it was enough for Lavanya to surrender
"I..." said Lavanya
"Lavanya don't, I will not let anyone marry you without your liking or concent" said Lakshya
"Brother I can't bear you seeing like this " said Lavanya with tears and soldier tried to deepen the cut
"Aah " screamed Lakshya , his scream echoed around the room
"Stop" screamed Lavanya and Harsh signaled to stop
"Don't " said Lakshya
"I can continue because I did not hear what I wanted to hear " said Harsh
"I agree to marry you" said Lavanya
"That's what I wanted to hear" said Harsh with a smirk

Harsh walked towards Lavanya and she wished she could kill with a sight, if she had a power like that harsh would be the first one she would kill.
"Usually bride's smile at their wedding' " said Harsh
"What do you want " said Lavanya in annoyance
"I also want a smile at my bride' face" said Harsh and Lavanya gave a sarcastic smile
"Happy"'said Lavanya
"Would work" said Harsh

They both went to the place where the wedding should take place , they started to do the rituals. They were asked to do seven round which signified them being together for seven lives and Lavanya's thoughts were that how can she suffer a guy for seven lives when she can't even tolerate him for seven seconds. When he put the  sacred chain in her neck she felt it as a rope of death.
"The wedding is completed" said the priest
I signed my life to death was the only thing occurred in Lavanya's mind

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