Chapter 11

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A/N: You might see a character you encountered in Aries. (If you are a new reader, don't worry. You will understand it.)

It was late noon when I woke up from the much-needed nap of mine. The sunrays tried its best to peek into the room Alpha Sam gave me, but the dark curtains the windows had denied them strongly. I yawned loudly and sat up on the bed and blinked.

This room was fairly clean and tidy. While it was not a big room, it had enough space for me to move about and get my things done. Yawning again, I pulled on a shirt and took my phone from the charger. Three new messages blinked at me.

Unlocking my phone with my fingerprint, I saw one message from Zeke, one from Antlia, to whom I had given my number during her stay with Peggy and one from a pizza restaurant where I had given my number. Ignoring the last one, I saw Antlia's message stating that lunch would be there for me in the community kitchen. And that Peggy and Neil had left her, after they met my mother who was with her.

I took the other phone to check. Surprisingly, Taurus had given me a call. How had I missed this? Was I sleeping that heavily?

Rubbing my eyes, I called the Warrior back. My heart flipped when he picked the call in the second ring.

"Hitman," he greeted. "I see you called back."

I scratched my head. "I was sleeping. That's why I was unable to attend your call."

"Niran told me," Taurus said. "After I was unable to reach out to you, I... had to make sure that you were well."

That care in his voice paralysed my larynx. While he would never admit it out loud, I knew. Taurus was worried enough that he had called Niran.

"Worried?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" he said. His facade was crumbling and both of us knew it. "I was the one who asked you to kill Somsak. If anything happens to you-"

"You think something will happen to me?" I asked.

"The world is of endless possibilities," he commented. "Anything can happen anytime."

"Aren't you philosophical now?" I asked.

He chuckled. "I asked you to kill Somsak. If anything was to happen to you, I would be at fault."

I shrugged and searched for my shoes. "You would not be. This is my job. This is what I do to survive. I can't hold it against you."

"I still would. After all, it is not going to change who sent you." There was a sigh. "Are you in Alpha Eric's territory?"

I hummed when I found my shoes and a pair of normal slippers. Seeing the weather was quite warm, I decided to go with the slippers. I left my room, taking the master card with me.

"Yes," I said. "How did you find out?"

"Niran was hinting something," Taurus said. "Something about being in a place where an Alpha and an Omicron shared a land."

I blinked when I heard that. I was sure that Taurus had seen many things. "This has never happened before?"

"Never," he replied, as I exited out of the building. "I have even seen two Alpha share a common piece of land, but never an alpha and an Omicron. This is indeed unusual."

I brought my phone down and asked a vampire who was watering the flowers. "Where is the community kitchen?"

She blinked at me furiously before she cleared her throat and answered me with a blush. "Head straight-" she pointed a path, "-and take the second left. You can find the community house and in that, the first floor is the kitchen. You can find that just by the smell."

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