Chapter 13

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A/N: What do you think of Antlia now? I did say that Lyra will appear in this chapter, but it got pushed to the next one. 


Antlia merely blinked at Rune while he glanced at her with an emotion I rarely saw Rune have. It was awe.

"Antlia?" Rune whispered. "As in Atticus' daughter?"

Antlia just blinked again.

This would that rare moment to see Antlia speechless. Erica gasped dramatically and Niran gave a shocked expression, despite knowing everything.

Then she turned at Taurus. "Yo-you knew? You twelve know?"

Taurus looked at her calmly. "Julius said he never wanted to associate with the Royal family ever again. As much as we gave him that privacy, we still kept tabs on him."

Antlia began to hyperventilate. While the one sitting next to me did not know what to do, I jumped from my seat and walked over where she was. As if she knew who I was, she just fell in my embrace as I gathered that poor girl.

If my daughter had been alive, she would be more or less this one's age. Strangely enough, Mali flinched where she was. What was that about?

Reserving that question for another day, I just gave my attention to her. Until she calmed down, silence prevailed over us. Just her sobs were amplified by the still night.

People who sat at the other tables seeing their Omicron and Alpha were silent, became silent too. It was not until that Ryan gave me a smile and retired for the night with his mate, Carson did the spell break.

Antlia pulled away from me slightly and her tear-streaked face had a smile. I swore that I had never seen anything more strong than this girl in my life. She was breaking apart yet she gave me a smile. To reassure me.

"Thanks, Draco," she whispered. "Thank you."

I wiped her tears with my thumb and murmured. "Tearing makes you red, Ant."

She threw her head back and laughed. "At least not blue like Zeke."

"Hey!" Zeke protested with a whine. "That was one time and I fell in blue paint."

When she dried her tears she gave me a grateful smile. Sorrel scooted to the next seat and I sat next to Antlia.

Thank you, Dray, a cool, collected voice of a child resonated in my mind.

I had been thinking that my mind was protected, yet it was breached so easily. Before I could let the surprise show on my face, I blinked at Antlia who tapped on her table. This one was damn powerful.

As much as it was fun watching Taurus flail like a chicken on water, she said with a chuckle. You just jumped to comfort me. Not many has done that. As much as I know Lyra would have done the same thing, there had been just one who had comforted me. I thank you for that.

Only after she mentioned him, I glanced at him. To others, he might have that cold, untouchable feel, but I knew better. This male was one who was worried when a ball came in her direction. The one who ached when he left her with me when he heard her cries.

He might be able to conceal it from everyone else, but not from me. Not me who knew what his energy was like. Who was he trying to fool?

It was like a veil was lifted. I could see the pain behind his silver eyes. As much as I could not see, I knew from that light taut on his muscle near his elbow that he was clenching his fists. There was a hint of tick of his jaws.

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