chapter 9

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Noah POV

Someone's breached the boundary.

I alert my men as a sit at my desk.

It seemed like just one wolf so I'm sure they can handle it.

Tomorrow's the third day since I saw her.

She'll be going into her heat soon. My fist clenches and my wolf growls within me.

I can't let that happen while she's still there. My men and I are all ready to go raid the pack and take her.

I still don't know what I'll do with her here.

She's already been a huge distraction on me since I met her.

When I try to work, sleep, anything, she appears in my mind like a rock thrown at me from a pile of other rocks.

The thoughts are there but I keep trying to put them to the side, but I know that's something I care too much about right now to simply forget about, even for a second.

She's there with that weird Liam guy. I hate the way he looks at her and how her blood was under his fingernails the first time we met.

My head falls into my hands.

Fuck, I really left her there with him.

How could I? I should've just grabbed her anyway and ran out of the building. That would put much more peace into my heart now then waiting until now.


Kai mind links me.


Your mate's smell is all over these woods, You might want to come check it out. The scent of blood is also pretty heavy.


I dash out of my chair, throwing open my door, and rushing out of the house. My wolf rips out of me, bending my form into its primal state as I sprint towards the men.

What do you mean my mate?

I reach Kai before he can answer, transforming back into my naked human form before him.

The scent hits me as the wind following me clears out.


I take off, pushing past trees and bushes, ignoring the cuts and bruises as they whip and slice me.


The soldiers follow close behind me.

What's happened?

The smell of blood and honey blossoms fill my lungs as I freeze.

Eliana lays naked, sprawled out on the forest floor. I hold my breath, taking small steps towards her frail body.


Blood bleeds out from her arms and sides, coating the ground. My knees fall and I grab her into my arms.

What happened?

"Get me some clothes! Call the pack doctor as well." Kai takes off his shirt and hands it to me. I slip it over her, picking up her cold body.

I sprint again back to the house, running threw the door and to the in-home clinic.

The pack doctor waits there already, hurrying over to Eliana as I place her on the bed.

"Who is this?" Alyssa ask, rushing to get her supplies.

"Eliana, my mate." She pauses, looking up at me.

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