chapter 61

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Eliana POV


My heart skips a beat as his smell just barely brushes my nose.

I can smell better too. He's here. Noah's here.

A witch takes a step towards me as the Goddess's words come back to me.

Their weakness is they are powerless on their own.

Without the spells, or the wolves under their command, they're just humans who stand no chance against the creatures they have tamed.

"John, bring 5 soldiers and escort the witches out of here. Bring keys to get me off this fucking wall." My power courses out my mouth, final in every syllable. The door opens again as John and his warriors come inside, grabbing the witches. They're movements are robotic as they hold the five creatures away from me.

I have control over members of my race. I don't need my power to restrain the witches.

"You're underestimating us young girl, if you think these wolves will be able to stop us from reaching you." Another high-pitched voice says, beginning to whisper hushed incantations under her breath.

They still have their spells. Shit.

My breath is knocked out of me as the wolves let go of them, instead wrapping their arms around themselves. They spin in place, staring up at the ceiling.

I knew it wouldn't be that easy.


My head snaps to the window, as my face contorts in confusion.


The ground suddenly rumbles as feet and paws, pound the earth above us.

"Seems like your lover boy just launched his attack. This good for nothing pack couldn't even kill the right sibling, now we have to deal with him." A squeaky voice giggles, her shoulders bouncing up and down in her cloak.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I snarls, my chest rising and falling fast. The witches move pass the wolves, gathering around me as one takes my hands. I struggle against her.

Since I left Moonstribe there's been more and more questions, piling in my heart and no answers.

"Well, they were supposed to kill your mate. He's our threat." A prick on the back of my hand sends shock waves of pain throughout my body. My wolf whimpers.

Noah's a threat to them? Moonstribe were supposed to kill him?

My heart thumps hard in my chest as the witches begin to chant something.

I can't sit here and let them hurt me. They want Noah dead? I'll end them before they can think that thought again.

"John!" Sweat beads on my forehead as the freezes.

This is a blessing, not a curse.

"Men!" I shout again, a resistant tugging at my soul as my power pushes through it. They freeze.

I'm willing to accept and embrace it. For Noah, for the Royals, for everything.

Come get me out of these bonds.

I'm awake now.

John pushes past the witches, his soldiers right behind him. They are knocked to the side as he takes out the keys in his pocket, unlocking my cuffs to the wall. My ankles and wrists scream in pain as he releases them one by one.

Grab them by their necks and make sure they can't say a word.

I don't have to say anything out loud, I just have to feel it and make it absolute.

The men get to work, one grabbing two by their throats, as the others get one each. John finishes freeing me. I drop to the ground, my feet unable to hold me up as my fingertips rub numb against the dirt ground.

Blood returns to my limbs slowly as the witches choke, gasping for air as the grips on their necks keep them in their torment. I lean against the wall, using it as support as my strength builds. I turn to face them.

I can't let them live, but I have no time for this. A war is raging outside and I can already smell the blood from here.

Noah's outside.

There's no time to stall. My family needs me. These witches will get everything they deserve. If they can't say their spells, they lose.

"Rip out their tongues." I try to hold down my bile as I let the command out, turning away from them and making my way out of the basement as the smell of blood intensifies in the air.

I'm willing to do anything for the ones I love.

I'm coming, Noah. I'll fight by everyone's side.

Noah POV

The sun shines low as dusk stains the sky. Moonlight coats us in light coverings, as the moon hangs full.

We are creatures of the night. As dark comes, we become stronger. But so do they.

It's our best bet though.

My pack watches me keenly, waiting eager on their feet to attack. Some wait in wolf form, as others stand in their humanoid state. My eyes stare into the golden purple horizon as the sun finally ducks out of sight.


"Go!" I yell, shifting into my wolf form, as my members around me charge towards the pack house. Wolves from the enemy pack hop through windows and sprint out their main door, Liam leading them.

They knew we were here.

Blood spills as Beth bites into the neck of a Moonstribe soldier, spitting the throat out to the side as she growls loudly, claiming her kill. My members join her, growling at their opponent before attacking.

The blood soaks the ground and air as the battle rages on.

Eliana. I can smell her from here, apart from the stench these guys give off.

I hurry towards the house, breaking wolves necks as they try to attack me, throwing them off to the side as my beta and Hunter cover me.

Robert was right. After mating with Eliana, my wolf's become bigger and stronger, even resistant to silver.

The front yard I walked through before, stands close ahead of me as Eliana's scent gets stronger. I nearly cross it but suddenly, my shoulder is bit into, pain sprouting from the wound. I snarl, shoving the wolf off of me. Liam lands in front of me, glaring through his bright yellow eyes as I do as well through my blue.

He knew I would try to get to Eliana. The bastard.

I've been wanting to put him in his place, but I'm in a hurry right now. I have to see how she is. I need to know she's alright.

I won't get to enjoy killing this mutt as much as I would've liked to.

Growls fill the night as mine and Liam's hum along with them. He crouches down ready to pounce as I mirror him.

Wait, what is th-

My nostrils flare as my gaze is drawn to the main entrance of the Moonstribe house. The sounds of battle tune out as a figure limps out from behind the door, breathing heavily as her stare connects with mine.

295k ~ 8/22/20

Sorry for the late update I didn't have internet for a good minute. We're almost at 300k though!!!!!! Thank u guys so much!

Next update tmr.



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