chapter 14

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Noah POV

Eliana stuffs her face with sausages and waffles and down it with a cup of ice water.

Just how bad were they treating her?

I take small bites of my food, not wanting to eat everything in case she's still hungry.

What did living as her pack's slave do to her diet or her body? How much time has it stolen from her?

This morning I decided that I wanted to do whatever felt natural, and so like the night before I ended up at her door.

Even after a lifetime of discipline of telling myself to wake up bright and early, I stayed in bed until I could hear her footsteps pattering around the floor.

I wanted to knock on her door and invite her breakfast like a gentleman or whatever, but she beat me to the knob.

In the hallway walking down with her, I couldn't help but want to have my hands on her the whole time. I wanted to pin her on the wall and act on instinct but with her big brown eyes staring at me, I could only retreat back.

I let a few things slip, though.

It's easy to imagine ravishing her, but when it comes to putting thoughts to actions, the innocence in her expression stops me every time.

She chomps away at her last bit of breakfast on her plate and her eyes sneak a glance at my food after she finishes her water as well.

"You can have it, I brought extra just in case what you got wasn't enough." I slide my plate towards her.

"Ok, just cause I'd hate to waste your pack's delicious food, are you sure you had enough?" She bats her eyelashes at me, stabbing her fork into a sausage.

"I just want to see you eat it." I shrug. She flashes me a toothy smile as her afro bounces and she tilts her head me.

She's so beautiful.

"I used to cook stuff like this all the time back at my old pack. Cook and sneak a couple bites." She swallows down a bite.

"They wouldn't let you eat?" I should've just let my wolf tear up the whole place the moment I got there.

"Rarely." She stares into her plate, as her pace slows down.

"You won't ever have to do that here, not if you don't want to." I assure her.

I'll make sure of it.

"Yeah, I don't even know why I brought it up. I'm bigger here than I was there." She nods to herself and picks back up momentum.

"I'm glad you came. I was going to get you that day with my pack soldiers." She scoffs and hits my arm playfully.

"That's stupid." She shakes her head as the food on the plate finishes.

"I can be stupid if it's for someone that important to me." She tenses as I lean into her side a bit.

"You've been good at catching me off guard today." She pulls back, stacking my plate on top of hers and getting up. She's running away.

"I like seeing you surprised." I lay my head on the table, watching her sideways as she picks the plates up.

"Put the dishes in the sink and hurry back," I say, sitting back up.

"Why?" She sends me a loop-sided smile.

"I told you I'm taking you somewhere."

Eliana POV

Crows caw as we trudge through the forest.

"Where are we going?" I ask Noah for the fifth time.

"Just a couple more minutes and we'll be there." He repeats.

I knew I shouldn't have followed a man I met a week ago, into this forest.

No, I would probably follow Noah in a lot of places if he let me.

Roots from the forest ground threaten to trip me like scenes from the day I escaped come back to mind.

The longer we stay here, the harder my heart pounds.

What if they're still in the forest? What if they catch us? It's only me and Noah here.

These 'what if' thoughts are going to kill me, but I can't shut them off.

"Noah, I-" My words are cut off as the trees clear out in front of us, revealing a lake.

The noon sun shines down of it, the water glistening as I stare wide-eyed at it.

"It's so beautifu,." I state, reaching Noah's side.

He smiles at me.

"This is where I come to think most of the time. I just wanted you to see it, if you aren't comfortable we can-"

"No, let's go sit. I can see from here you already have stumps you sit on." I walk past him, jumping over the tree root with my eyes on the area.

Rich brown mulch sits at the shore of the golden lake, along with Noah's sitting arrangement.

My foot lags behind a branch and my body tilts downward, heading to the ground.

I stop midair and I look back to see Noah holding me up and close to his chest.

He's done that a lot today.

"Thanks." I breathe out.

Noah's eyes look between my lips and my eyes, as he leans in. My heart jumps to my throat. My gaze matches his.

Time slows down as every breath within our space is the only thing I can focus on.

"No problem." He whispers, inches away from my lips.

Is he...?

A crow caws and I jump back, breaking out of the trace.

Noah clears his throat and I swallow, the noise of the forest drowned out by the beating of my heart.

"Let's go, shall we?" He reaches out his hand towards me and I put mine in it.

He helps me as we continue to make our way to the shore of the lake.

I jump onto the mulch of the shore, spinning around while inhaling the fresh forest air.

This is so much better than that dusty basement. I would've never dreamed a week ago my reality would be so different.

"Are you surprised?" Noah asks, swinging his arms next to me.

"You should've asked me that when I saw this place, five minutes ago." I chuckle, moving towards the drifting shore.

"Come sit with me." I turn and see Noah, on one of his stumps as he motions to the one across from him. I hurry over and settle in front of him.

"So why'd you bring me here?" I ask, crossing my arms. Noah rubs his nape, as his curly hair moves with him.

"This is the place I come to think clearly, so I thought talking to you here would come out as precise and clear as I want it as well." He puts his hands by either of his side and stares at me intensely.

My leg bounces.

"Yeah, so talk to me." He nods and takes a deep breath.

"I have a duty to my pack to give all my attention and care towards them, and to be completely blunt, you are the biggest distraction to that."
2,885 ~ 5/10/20

Happy mother's day guys! Thanks for all your support. I hope you all are having a fun day.

Next chapter out on the 12th!


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