i'm yours .oscar

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"hey," you frowned feeling two hands on your waist, pulling you away from the guy you'd been dancing with seconds ago. you squirmed, wriggling out of his grip. you already knew who it was but you were still pissed. "what the fuck, oscar?"

"me, what the fuck? what the fuck was that?" he was angry, you could tell by the way his eyes narrowed and how his eyebrows knitted. this was exactly the reaction you'd expected but that didn't make it warranted.

"none of your business, was that." you crossed your arms, you weren't backing down. you weren't scared of oscar, he could say whatever he wanted to you, but he had no argument.

you and oscar had been close for a while but he never wanted to make anything official and you did. instead of crying about it, you went to the first party you could find and danced alone without him. fuck him. you deserved someone that wanted all of you, all the time.

"none of my business? huh? so it wasn't my business last night when i was—"

"fuck you, oscar." you cut him off. you shoved his chest but he barely moved. "you can't play the controlling boyfriend, if you're not my boyfriend."

"and what if i wanna be— your boyfriend?" he called your bluff. he still wore a scowl on his face. he'd scare the shit out of anyone else but not you.

"then it's too late," your heart was beating fast, your eyebrows still knitted, you were still angry at him. he couldn't do this to you. you weren't prepared for him to stomp on your heart, just to come round the next day with his brown eyes and an apology. you deserved more. "you had your chance."

"come on, y/n—"

you shook your head. he reached out to grab your hand but you snatched it away and headed for the exit. you were sick of this boy. you couldn't look at him any longer and keep a strong face. you felt tears welling in your eyes. you hated that you were so invested in him, just for him to toss you aside at the first sight of commitment.

you heard him calling after you but you ducked your head down, letting a few tears slip. you took a deep breath as soon as you got outside, your eyebrows furrowed now as you wiped under your eyes and tried to catch your breath. you'd tried to hold it together for too long. you couldn't keep keep it up like this. it wasn't fair.

"y/n—" you felt him grab your arm but you pulled it away. "hey— wait."

"oh my god, leave me alone!" you snapped. turning to face him again, his expression was different now. he wasn't angry anymore. "just stop, alright? you already told me you don't want me. you don't need to make me feel worse by dragging it out." you hiccuped. you'd opened a flood gate. oscar was always so hard faced and put together, you were embarrassed and annoyed that you were crying in front of him.

"hey—hey," he stepped closer to you. "stop crying."

"then don't make me cry, pendejo." you wiped under your eyes again, conscious of the fact he was watching your every move.

he felt bad. oscar came to the party to tell you he was stupid, and scared, and that he wanted to be with you. but when he saw you with another guy, he lost his mind a little. he didn't mean to make you cry.

"i made a mistake, nena," you shook your head. he wanted to reach out again but he didn't want to risk you pulling away again. so he stayed put. "i want you to be mine."


he cut off your pleas. "i was stupid and scared. i've never done this. i've never been serious about someone before."

"talk to me next time," you huffed, still upset with him for putting you through all this for nothing. he cautiously stepped closer, and you let him rest his hands on your waist. "oscar, i can't do this every time you're unsure. i like you too much. so if you're not ready, please don't."

he was angry with himself for making you feel this bad about your relationship. he moved his hands to either side of your face. "i want you."

"you gotta be mine. if you want me to yours."

"i'm yours, promise, mi alma." he pressed his lips to your forehead, and you wrapped your arms loosely around his torso. he made you believe him. he sounded sincere. you wanted him to mean it.

"ok," you mumbled. looking into his brown eyes again with a different feeling than last time. "don't ever do that again. i mean it. oscar, you'll lose me."

he looked relieved. sure he was still scared. he'd never done this before. but he was more scared of losing you.

"i won't," he kissed your cheek before quickly kissing your lips. "consider me jumped in."

your worried expression finally broke into a small smile, one oscar hadn't realised he'd missed till he saw it with his own eyes. you stood on your tiptoes slightly, pressing your lips to his gently, longer and more careful than any other time.

"sorry i made you cry," he mumbled. clearly still feeling some guilt. he never wanted to hurt you like that again. "it won't happen again."

"it's ok," you mumbled with a soft smile, your faces still held close together. "i cry all the time."

"still, didn't enjoy watching you cry over me."

"then don't be a cabrón." you wore a cheeky smile now, he rolled his eyes, wearing a similar grin. he rubbed his over your cheeks where you now had tears stains. he rested his forehead against yours.

"got it." you moved closer, resting your head against his chest, his arms wrapped around you. you felt safe for a brief moment. you sighed, content with him holding you for now. you weren't a hundred percent convinced with what he was promising but you were willing to see him try. he meant more to you than he knew. you wanted to see him safe and happy, even if that couldn't be the case right now. you were glad you could bring him some relief and distraction for now.

this is kinda bad but here it is anyway! comment i wanna know what u think thanks a mill for reading :)

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