anger. oscar

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"how long has it been since you've slept?" you were sitting in the living room, watching him search through the fridge for food. he didn't answer you at first. you opened your mouth to speak again but he cut you off.

"no lo sé," he mumbled.

you had your legs pulled up against your chest, your head resting on your knees as you watched him. he didn't look at you, he just kept looking for food.

he picked up a beer instead, huffing when he found nothing he wanted to eat. he cracked up on the side of the counter and took a gulp. "maybe a couple hours last night."

"you should've called."

"you were sleeping."

you huffed. "still," you were tired of having to force a conversation like this. you knew he wasn't interested and his mind was elsewhere but you just wanted to be there for him. and he wasn't letting you. "i would've come over if you'd called."

he leaned against the counter, looking over at where you were sitting. he had a pretty blank expression on his face, you couldn't tell what he was thinking.

oscar had been stressed a lot lately, you could tell. he didn't speak much whenever you would see him, he was always tired. he had a lot on his plate, trying to keep cesar safe, while dealing with cuchillos and nineteenth street. it was a lot.

it was hard to be around him when he was like this. when oscar was tired, he was cranky. he would get irritated easily, so it was hard for you to have a conversation with him about anything. though you tried to push past it, it was weighing on you having to see him like this all the time.

"who said i wanted you to come over?" you furrowed your eyebrows, lifting your head from your knees. that was uncalled for. you were getting sick of him treating you like this. like he didn't want you around.

"what does that mean?" you challenged.

he took another gulp of his beer, keeping his eyes on you when he did. "it means you're exhausting."

you dropped your knees, your feet touching the floor now. you wore a hurt expression on your face. you weren't going to have him take out his anger on you. this wasn't your fault. you had been trying to help him.

"oh yeah?" he was unbothered by the look on your face. you were close to raging on him, you'd had enough.

"call me. talk to me. tell me what you're thinking," he was being mean. you knew he was going through it but you weren't hanging around to be a human punching bag for him. you had no idea where this was coming from. "it's annoying and it's exhausting."

you stood up, following him to where he stood in the kitchen. he stayed put, sipping his beer.

"i'm exhausting? oscar, when i do see you, which is hardly ever, you never act like you're happy to see me. it's exhausting trying to carry on as normal like you're not bored every second i'm around you."

your words hit something different in him. his eyebrows furrowed, a very intimidating look of anger now on his face. you snatched the beer out of his hand and threw it in the sink.

"i'm sick of you drinking all the time!" you had snapped. you couldn't act like his behaviour wasn't effecting you. you couldn't pretend to be happy when he wasn't.

"what the fuck is up with you, puta?" your frown deepened. he'd taken a step closer to you, towering over you but you stood your ground.

"what did you just call me?" you lowered your voice, anger still evident. you could be pretty scary when you were angry. it usually turned him on, but he was too blinded by his own rage. "don't take your anger out on me. i've stood by you through everything, oscar. don't fuck with me." you shoved at his chest enough for him to take a step back.

he hand rubbed across his face, watching you breathe heavily as you stared him down. he couldn't ignore your glossy eyes, the more upset you got with him the more his anger was lost. you didn't often get angry, but when you did, oscar knew he'd fucked up.

to stop himself from saying anything else he would regret, he stepped around you and walked in the direction of the door.

"i swear to god if you leave right now, oscar, i'm done."

you couldn't take anymore from him. he was treating you like shit. you couldn't sit around and wait for him to calm down this time, he had to fix his mess.

he stopped just before he could grab the door handle and turned back to see your glossy eyes were now full of tears. all you'd been trying to do was help, and this is how he treated you. it broke your heart that you couldn't reach him like you thought you could. he was sick of you being around, clearly.

your lip quivered when he stared at you blankly. he wasn't angry at you anymore, he knew you were trying to help. but that didn't change the fact that it wasn't working. he couldn't be around you right now. he needed a break from everything. he couldn't handle all of it.

"then we're done."

oops i'll probs do a pt.2 but the pt.2 i have written atm is TRASH so i'm gonna try and write it again when i can be bothered anyway thank you so much to everyone who's reading this shit!!!! almost 1k reads already i'm amazed thank you so much!!!!!!! shoot me a message if you want me to write something specific! i also wanna branch out and write for other characters i'm thinking cesar (though he kinda bugs me lol sorry) poss ruby? who knows i don't know we'll see but feel free to send requests and pls COMMENT i love it when people COMMENT!! also follow my tumblr if you want @/biisexualemma i post on there too but much more aesthetically pleasing lol wow this is long ok bye

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