safe. oscar

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you were spending your saturday night at home, with oscar. usually he would be out with friends or at a party, but you talked him into hanging out with you instead. you were happy to spend time like this with him, just the two of you, because it didn't happen very often.

"i'm gonna change into something comfier," you announced, untangling yourself from him. he just nodded, his eyes remaining on the film you two had been watching.

you splashed your face with some cold water to keep yourself for falling asleep just yet. you promised you'd stay awake for movie night, that was the one condition of oscar spending his saturday night at home. he always teased you for falling asleep in the middle of a film, because you did it every time.

you changed out of your clothes and into some pyjama shorts and one of his t-shirts. his clothes always seemed much comfier than yours. it didn't know how but you didn't question it. you were happy lounging around in his clothes.

"do you want another drink while i'm up?" you asked upon reentering the living room. he gave you a quick yes his eyes still clinging to the tv, he was really into this film.

you grabbed him a drink, and one for yourself. handing oscar his, his eyes glanced towards you as be mumbled a quiet thank you. but his eyes quickly moved back to where you were standing in front of him now, his t-shirt hanging just above your knees, engulfing you entirely. he wore a soft smirk when he saw you. you noticed, rolling your eyes.

"stop staring," you climbed under the throw and repositioned yourself next to him on the couch. you could still feel his eyes on you.

you turned to face him, a small smile on your face when you saw the way he was looking at you. he lifted his hand to your face, pulling you towards him gently and kissing you. it was soft and quick. the kind that gave you butterflies. it didn't matter how many times you kissed him, it always made you a little bit nervous.

"eres hermosa," he muttered against yours lips, only pulling away slightly. you wore a bigger smile now, you couldn't help it, he was sweet.

"stop," you blushed, though he couldn't see in this light. you pushed his face away from yours. his hands moving to your stomach, holding you loosely in place.

"i like my shirt on you," he wore a soft smile, he could look at you all day. "looks better on you, in fact."

you hummed. "it's comfy," you shrugged. it was the truth. you shuffled down the couch a bit, before laying down, resting your head on his lap. his hands moved from your stomach to your hair. your eyelids fluttered as he tangled his hands in your hair, you could see yourself falling asleep at this rate. "this is nice."

he hummed. you loved days like this. just the two of you, no interruptions. it was rare you got oscar to yourself for a whole day, so you appreciated him even more when you did. he was a softie around you. his attitude, his entire demeanour changed with one look from you. you always looked full of love and understanding when you looked at him, it made him weak and soft and he kinda liked it. it was a break from his harsh reality whenever he was around you.

he moved one hand to yours, interlocking his fingers with your own, while his other hand remained tangled in your hair. you wore a soft, happy smile as you eyes fluttered shut the longer he held you like this.

"i love you," you mumbled, quietly. he could barely hear you. he could tell you were falling asleep pretty quickly in this position, but he didn't want to disturb you. you looked so comfy and happy. he leaned down, pressing a kiss to your temple, and whispering a quiet i love you too into your ear. your smile grew wider with his words. you felt pretty lucky to have him.

"you think you can make it to bed?" he spoke softer, mindful of the fact you were almost fast asleep and feeling a little groggy and spaced out. you just hummed, snuggling into his lap. he let out a small smile and whispered an ok then that's a no.

he carefully shifted you onto your back and tucked one arm behind your back and the other underneath your legs. with great difficulty he managed to pick you up in his arms and carry you to bed. you tucked your head into his chest, your eyes still closed as he carefully placed you under the duvet. you rolled over onto your side, your eyes not opening for even a second. oscar knew this was how the night would turn out. you could never stay awake to watch an entire film, especially late at night. he had anticipated that this would happen even when he made you promise to stay awake.

he didn't mind though, he liked that you trusted him enough to fall asleep on his lap and carry you to bed. he liked that you wore his clothes cause they were comfy. he liked that you instinctively clung to him in your sleep. he loved you. you could do no wrong in his eyes.

oscar changed into some comfier clothes before joining you in bed. you let out soft snores, lying on your stomach, your legs stretched out and your face smushed up against your pillow. he watched you sleep for a little while until he grew tired himself. he leaned over carefully, pressing a kiss to your forehead. a small half-smile reached your lips, and instinctively you lifted your arm and draped it across his stomach. he shifted closer to you, rolling onto his side and resting his hand on your waist. you snuggled into his chest while he held you.

he always made you feel safe no matter what state you were in. he was the safest, kindest guy you knew and you loved him. he was it for you. you couldn't imagine life without him at this point, the two of you were joined at the hip. he was just as much in love with you as you were with him. everything was perfect.

someone requested this and i thot it turned out alright ok soft!oscar is no.1 always

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