nervous. oscar

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you felt two hands touch your waist. you furrowed your brows, quickly turning around to see oscar. he wore a sly smirk, he was up to something. his hand still sat on your waist, pinning you against the kitchen counter. he'd been waiting for you to leave the party so he could catch you alone. you'd been getting a refill on your drink when he approached you.

"you shouldn't sneak up on me like that." you warned, taking a sip out of your cup. he was standing pretty close to you, your heart was pounding.

he raised an eyebrow. "really?"

you hummed. "if you were anyone else i'd kick your ass." you teased, a small smirk on your lips.

you and oscar often teased each other like this. you were good friends. he was cheeky and you loved it. you'd been crushing on him for a while but kept it to yourself, only telling your little brother ruby as he promised to keep it a secret. if oscar liked you back he'd tell you, until then, you wouldn't be telling him anything.

oscar laughed. "you'd kick my ass, huh?" he furrowed his brows, wearing a cheeky smirk. you couldn't stop looking at him, watching his expressions change. he had such an attractive face.

you nodded. "i'm stronger than i look." you laughed, lifting your arms up and tensing your biceps jokingly. oscar laughed, nodding his head.

you pushed him away, creating a bit of space between you two momentarily. but before you could walk away and rejoin the party, oscars hands grabbed your hips again and pulled you back. he pushed you against the counter again to hold you in place. your furrowed your brows, a confused smile on your lips.

"everything ok?" you weren't as confident as before. he'd caught you off guard, he was making you nervous. he still wore a smirk. you didn't know where this was going.

"someone told me i make you nervous." your eyes widened subtly but oscar caught it. you were gonna kill ruby. you knew how scared he was of oscar so it would be no surprise if oscar had forced this information out of him.

"don't believe everything you hear." you teased, crossing your arms over your chest. you were trying to disguise the fact that oscar was making you nervous right now.

"it's not true?" that stupid smirk. you scoffed.

"no." oscar leaned closer. your arms loosened, dropping by your sides, feeling his breath against your face. his eyes scanned over your face. you were pretty sure your cheeks were pink though you were trying to remain calm. if only he knew what he was doing to you. uncontrollably, you leaned forward just enough for him to notice. he smirked.

embarrassed, you pushed at his chest again, creating space between you again. you averted your eyes from his. he knew more than he was letting on. you made a note to self to murder ruby when you got home later.

"y'sure about that?" you rolled your eyes. he was being mean teasing you about this.

"so what? you make a lot of people nervous, your name is literally spooky. big deal."

oscar nodded, smiling still as you tried to explain your way out of what had become an awkward situation for you now. you looked back up at him, seeing the smile on his face and letting out a laugh. you ran your hand through your hair, a nervous habit you had.

"stop looking at me like that."

"since when am i spooky to you?" he furrowed his brows.

"since you started making me nervous." you suppressed a smile. you were giving right into his game, you knew it. but what did you have to lose? he already knew what he knew.

"you admit it?" you shrugged. he laughed, shaking his head. "that's so stupid."

"come on, oscar, you know why." you nudged his arm, wearing a soft smile. oscar couldn't stop looking at you, how your expression changed. "but it's cool. don't be weirded out. it's just a stupid crush. i'm pretty sure every girl has crushed on you at some point. it'll go away."

you laughed it off, looking at him he wore a smile on his lips as he watched you squirm. he loved having all the power in this conversation.

"you gotta stop looking at me like that if you want this crush to go away though." you teased, poking his chest with your finger.

"who said i want it to go away?" he teased back. you furrowed your brows, laughing dryly.

"what?" you took at step back when he edged closer to you, your back hitting the counter again. your hands gripped the edge of counter when oscar leaned down, his lips practically touching yours. you gasped softly when he finally pressed his lips against yours. his hands on either side of your face, pulling you closer to him as you deepened the kiss. your mind was all over the place. you'd been thinking about this for so long and now it was happening. his lips moved against yours gently at first, but he grew more desperate the more you gave back to him. you wrapped your arms around his torso, pulling his body closer to yours. you had to pull away to catch your breath after a while.

"what was that for?" you were breathless. oscar laughed, stepping back from you to create a bit of space between you.

"i didn't believe it until you said it yourself."

"you like me?" you furrowed your brows, a small smile on your lips. you hit his chest again when you realised what he'd done. "you let me ramble on like that and didn't say anything!"

he laughed. "eres linda."

you mimicked his laugh. this didn't feel like it was happening. you didn't even think you were oscars type, he always went for girls that looked nothing like you. you thought he'd friendzoned you a long time ago. apparently not.

"i can't believe that." you wore a smile still on your lips and so did oscar. you loved it when oscar would smile, it completely changed his face.

"why? mami, you're hot." your mouth hung open.

"i didn't think you even saw me like that." you laughed in disbelief.

"you kidding?" he smirked. he was looking at you like that again, your cheeks flushed pink. "all the homies had their eyes on you. it drove me crazy. i told 'em you were off limits."

you gawked at him, hitting his chest. "oh my god," he just shrugged, smiling. "no wonder none of the boys say more than two words to me. i thought they hated me."

"nope," he smiled, he leaned close again. kissing your lips briefly. "told 'em you're mine."

"you could've said something sooner, pussy." he pushed you away, laughing.

"i had to make sure! i had to ask tu hermano."

you rolled your eyes. "i bet you scared the shit out of him, didn't you?" he shrugged and you laughed. "that poor kids gonna be traumatised if you keep calling on him like that."

"it got me you, so what?"

you smiled. "if only he knew what a softie you really are, huh?"

"am not." he frowned jokingly. you kissed his cheek.

"keep telling yourself you're spooky and then maybe you will be." you teased.

"ey," he faked a small pout. he was so different around you you couldn't believe he was the same guy sometimes. "i'm spooky."

you nodded. "ok baby."

softie!oscar back again. that's all i write about at the minute i'm afraid so that's all you get. thank you to those who are voting i appreciate it a lot :) pls leave comments i love reading and replying to them

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