Chapter 10

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We have finally reached the hall where the party has been arranged. Armaan gets out of the car and walks towards my side and open the door of my side. He offers me his hand with a smile playing on his lips.

Nice transition man!

I take his hand and dash out of the car. I shudder when he places his hand on small of my back. We head towards inside. The hall is big and lavish. Armaan starts introducing me to his business colleagues. Almost all of them are not Pakistani or Muslims.

"Zara meets my new business partner Mister Fredrick and Mister Fredrick, she is my wife, Zara." Armaan introduces me to a dirty brown-haired English man maybe in his 40s. He starts eyeing me from above to bottom seductively before bringing his hand forward for me to shake.

"Hello mister Fredrick, it's nice to meet you," I say putting a big smile on my face, ignoring his hand.

He raises a brow in confusion before pulling his hand back.

"Oh yeah, same here. "He replies with a grin and winks at me.

Philanderous old hag!

The whole time, that Fredrick guy keeps on staring at me giving me weird feelings. I try to ignore him but it was not helping at all. I wonder if Armaan is realizing all this but after all why would he care for me. He wants me to put a show of lovely wife for his own benefit and that all. After all the introductions and formalities, I was really tired and wanted to get home as soon as possible. The ambiance of the party was giving me nostalgic feelings. I come out of my thought when Armaan's phone bell rings.

"You wait here, I have to answer a call. I'll be right back," He tells me before leaving.

"Hey beautiful!" A deep voice causes me to turn my head to the other side to find Fredrick standing with both hands stuffed in his pants pocket smiling seductively at me.

"Why are you standing alone here, pretty?"

"This is none of your business so please leave." I try to keep my accent as soft as I can because I don't want to mess things up.

Instead of saying anything he chuckles and walks closer to me causing me to back off.

"Your husband is such a blind person who has left his this gorgeous wife alone," he huskily says before pulling his fingers towards my bare arms trying to touch them.

I slapped his hand harshly before he could reach my skin. I glare at him and walk away but he blocks my way.

"Get out of my way," I say grinding my teeth.

" You are so pretty, wanna dance with me?" He says rubbing his fingers on my neck. Before I could do anything, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

" Let go of me, you bastard!" I shout hoping anyone could hear me.

I soon realize the area is so dark with no one around. I try to push him but he is so strong. He even increases his grip on my waist.

"What a beautiful little thing..." He whispers in my ears.

" You asshole!"

I notice, the grip on my waist has loosened and I was free. I look at the ground to find Fredrick lying on the ground and rubbing his nares which are bleeding. But who did this?

I turn my head to another direction to find Armaan fuming with anger glaring at Fredrick.

"Do you think you can be saved after this? How dare you humiliate her?" He starts punching Fredrick's stomach. He snags him by his collar and pushed him to the wall and started punching him. Blood starts oozing from Fredrick's mouth which makes me snap back to reality.

Suddenly I come out of a trance when I see Armaan punching him hard. I instantly rush towards him and pull his arm. I am pretty sure he may kill him by this punching.

"Armaan its enough. He will die like this. "

He stops for a moment and eyes me before pulling back.

"Sir what has happened here?" A waiter asks. I see other people also gather.

"Nothing, just a stupid punk has been found out,"
he angrily says before dialing some number on his phone. He is calling the police. He kneels down beside Fredrick.

"I will make sure you will suffer your entire life in jail." He gets up and grabs my arm before walking both of us towards outside.


A cold breeze hit me, piercing through my bones causing me to shudder as soon as we come out. What was that? My mind is still blank and can't be able to process anything. What will happen if Armaan didn't come on time? I tremble at the thought of it.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I lift up to meet his worried-looking expressions.

I nod before hugging my arms tightly because of the coldness. He sighs before taking off his coat and putting over my shoulders.

"I don't need this," I say trying to remove the coat.

"It's okay, you are feeling cold already. Let's go now."

He opens the car door to my side. I hesitantly sit in the car. It's feeling like my entire body has been tied up and I am unable to move. I don't realize when he gets in the car and ties my seat belt.

A tear escapes my eye when the image of Fredrick touching me and holding my waist cross my view again. This is so insane. I put my head on the back of the seat and close my eyes.

"Do you want to eat something?" I hear his voice. I shake my head in denial with my eyes still close. I don't want to listen to anyone so just shut up.

"Let's have dinner at the restaurant at the seaside. I really like their food." He again says causing me to open my eyes. Why are you suddenly getting worried about my hunger? But maybe he is trying to deviate my mind from what has happened.

"I don't want to go anywhere."

"But you are hungry," he replies while looking at me with a concerned look.

"I am not hungry and please..." My words get faint when a lump of tears felt in my throat. I don't want to cry, at least not in front of him. Please stop!!

He stops the car and turns towards me.

"I am really sorry for what has happened. I shouldn't have left you alone there. Please stop crying," he rubs my hair softly causing my sobs to grow more. I don't need his sympathies, at the same time I need a shoulder to place my head on and cry to my heart.

I instantly pull my head back causing his hand to back off. I wipe tears from my cheeks. I don't want him to give another reason to mock me. He gives me tissue which I take reluctantly. Moreover, I have probably messed up with his upcoming big business deal. Like his nature is, he should yell at me and scold me for this but why he was consoling me?

"I am fine," I say wiping my tears.

"Are you sure?"

I nod as a reply. He bends down to start the car again but it doesn't start. He again tries but again no result.

"What the heck is wrong with it." He mumbles before going out of the car. He opens the bonnet starts looking in it. After a while, he came back to his side and peek through the window.

"I think the car has worked up," he says causing me to jerk off my seat.

"What will we do now?"

"Don't worry. I have a cottage here nearby. We can go there as its almost midnight. It can be risky to wait for that much," he replies.

How many places he has here?

"How far is your cottage?" I ask as soon as I get out of the car.

"Not too far. We can easily go there by walk," he tells me and I nod as a reply.

"Let's go now."


So another chapter updated. Don't forget to tell me about your feedback and vote.

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