Chapter 26 (part 2)

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Armaan's POV

I park the car in front of the white building. On the way here, I have been thinking about how to unravel this matter without Zara being aware of my father's doing. It gives goosebumps to me to infer about Mr. Khawar's feelings if in the case, he knew about this. Regardless of what is the reality, that thing is for sure that how much my father meant to him. And the only reliable person who comes into my mind is the friend of my business partner, Attorney Ali. Though I don't know him much despite meeting him once or twice for business, in these circumstances, only a familiar person won't ask me details of this.

"Assalam o Alaikum!" I greet him once I get inside his office.

"Walaikum Assalam. What brings you here?" He asks with a smile gesturing me to sit on the chair in front of him.

"Just need your point of view in something important," I reply while sitting on the leather black chair.

"Yes, what is it? But first, let us fetch something for you as refreshment. What would you like to have?" He asks and carries the telephone's headpiece in his hand.

"No thanks. I am really in a hurry right now. Maybe next time," I reply with an apologetic smile.

"So the thing is if someone's property gets named for someone else other than the rightful person, can the genuine inheritor still gets it back?" I ask trying hard to make myself clear to him.

He puts a finger under his chin and thinks for a while.

"Has the property named legally or illegally?" He asks with stern expressions.

"Sorry?" I ask completely not getting what he is asking.

"I mean that the deceased has passed the property to that someone else under his own will or not? Did he want to give that property heartily or he has forcefully put into that circumstances to did so? "

Why this thing can't get into my mind? But who won't give his children their rightful shares? Still, I don't know how father has forced him to do this or has he forced him in the first place. I take a deep breath in frustration. This is getting more and more complex.

"I don't know this," I simply reply.

"Then the only person who can help in this regard is the executor of that will. He would know this whether the will has been made by the deceased himself and also that it was by pressure or not," he informs.

I nod my head in approval. It will be a lot easy if I can find the executor.

"But it's still really difficult. Because the property won't be allowed to lay a finger on regardless of how it has been named after. The will is still a will and a court respect a will," he adds further.

I grab my head in both my hands in disappointment. Every way is like a blind end leading to nowhere. How will I do it?


The first step in this hurdle is to find the executor of Mr. Khawar's will. But the question is how will I find him? I cant tell Ali the whole situation. What will he think of my father after this? I text my personal secretory to find the information regarding the executor of Mr. Khawar's property's phone. Before I could type the message, my phone gets lifted up by someone. I look up angrily.

"What the..."

I yell completely forgetting that I am actually with Zainab right now. I don't even realize I haven't said a word to her for the whole time I am with her. She looks at me with widened eyes in shock.

I stop and take a deep breath before rubbing my face frustratingly.

"If you are that busy then you shouldn't have come here, wasting both of our time," she spats furiously.

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