Chapter 66

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Zara's POV

Rabia! Bia! The names look quite similar. What if they are the same people?

I take out the key from my handbag and press it inside the lock. The main gate gets open with a bang sound. I hurriedly walk inside; in an attempt to reach the coffee table placed immediately outside of Dad's room, as soon as possible.

I just again remember about this mystery when I was thinking about going back to Mister Wajahat for taking information about Rabia; Dad's wife. I want to meet her and ask her about how Dad married her. This is when I recall the diary from Dad's house which I just had put back thinking it's useless. Thinking about the name of the owner of that diary and the name of Dad's wife; I can't help but speculate that they may be the same woman.

I roam my eyes around to find the coffee table in its previous position but to my despair, there is no diary. I hurriedly head towards the table. Where is it? I remember I have settled it back on here, then how comes it has disappeared.

I rub my forehead in disappointment as I crouch down on my knees. My eyes glisten spotting the half-opened diary hanging along with one of the legs of the table. I quickly take it out, careful of not to tear its pages.

I get up again while my eyes affixed on the diary's worn out green cover. Like before, it is still covered with mud. I rub my hand on it to wipe it away. After taking a deep breath, I open it. Again the bold written Bia is the first thing which my eyes notice. I flip through the pages to find some notes from her everyday life or her own thoughts along with her handmade paintings.

So she has been used to jot down her thoughts on this diary. I smile at this. I am about to turn a page when Dad's name on it prevents me to do so. This is the first note where she has mentioned his name. And the writing here is so different than the other pages in this diary.

He doesn't care for me. He doesn't love me. He only cares for his daughter because of whom he can even leave me alone. He is so afraid of the reaction of his daughter that he can't even think of doing what she won't like but for him, it's his happiness.

Is she talking about her marriage to Dad? Afraid of his daughter? I won't like his happiness?

I feel my legs unable to support my weight as I feel them becoming numb. Dad was afraid of me? He was really thinking that I will not be happy in his happiness. How can he even think like this? I feel the diary being slipped away from my hand and it falls right in front of my feet.

I loved you Dad and you think of me in the same way as everyone does; that I am an arrogant and selfish person who just thinks about herself. I never thought you will also misjudge me. Tears start oozing out of my eyes as the words again come in my mind.


The exact words are still in my mind as I find myself so helpless and weak once again. Although I am sitting on the bed, at the same time, I am not present here. My mind is still engrossed in what I have just read. That is just a delusion of my mind that Dad knows me more than anyone else. But in reality, I was a total stranger to him. How come he thinks of me like that. Unknowingly, I start fidgeting with my fingers.

I flinch when someone covers my hand with his.

"Where are you lost?"

I first stare blankly at my hand than at Armaan who is also looking intently at me. I don't even realize when he comes inside and sits beside me.

I shake my head sideways in denial as I give him a smile.

"Is everything okay?" He asks again.

Should I tell him about it? I may feel light after discussing it with him. But I won't be able to tell him this thing. What will he think about me and Dad?

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