Chapter 35

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Zara's POV

"What are you doing here?"

I turn behind to discover him standing there with a perplexed expression on his face. I let out a whiff of mitigation discerning him closer to me. A tentative smile emerges on my lips. It's like I was holding a thick breath since forever and by his presence, I have exhaled out a pent-up breath. It's sense like I have become elated by his presence.

"You shouldn't have come alone here." He walks towards me and stands in front of me.

"I didn't come alone. My friend accompanies me here but that stupid flee away leaving me behind, " I reply.

Recalling what has happened earlier, the irritation flare through me, and the fury spring again through my veins.

"But there is a problem, " I say as I start fidgeting with my fingers.

He raises his eyebrow in question.

I think for a while to assemble the right words to tell him about the car. It's such an embarrassment that I always end up doing something to his cars.

"The car is still in my University and the driver isn't picking up the call, " I say with a nervous smile.

"Because of that idiot, silly and airhead." I grit my teeth as I keep on muttering. I swear if he comes in front of me right now, I will murder him.

"What are you mumbling?"

I come out of my thoughts when he calls me out. I look up at him who has an amused smile playing on his lips. What is he doing here? An inkling comes into my mind with that I peek behind his shoulder.

"You don't have a car?" I ask when my eyes come back in disappointment.

"My car got heat up so the driver has taken it for repair and I don't know when will he come back as there are no signals here, moreover," he says, "there is no transport here due to today's strike."

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. What will happen now?

"Why did you come here?" He asks.

I look at him with astonishment. How can we forget that?

"Did you forget? I have come here to drop that puppy from yesterday."

He just nods his head in cognition like he seems to remember that.

"What will we do now?" I ask biting my nails in annoyance.

"We will walk to your university and fetch the car, " he calmly replies like it means nothing to him.

"Are you okay? My university is really far from here."

I roam my eyes around. The sun is about to set due to which faint darkness is hovering all over. The orange tint in the sky caused by the departing sun is making the atmosphere gloomy. The swift cold breeze is whirling inflicting the small plants along the sides of the road to flutter.

"Then do you want to stay the whole night here?"

I look back at him who is looking at me with a raised brow. I sigh when other than this, there is no other option.



I grab my growling stomach when it's getting difficult for me to walk anymore. Its been this morning since I have eaten anything and now hunger is striking me so hard. I stop in my track when my legs can't seem to support me anymore. I gape around and my eyes gleam in glee on the sight of the restaurant in the front. The same restaurant where Armaan has brought me last time.

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