Chapter 6

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My phone vibrated as Izzy's name illuminated the screen. I opened it to see the message she sent. "He enjoyed the food and I told him about you."

Immediately after I read the message, I dropped the phone on my desk and covered my head with my blanket then my phone vibrated again. "HE WANTS TO MEET TOMORROW." Izzy wrote in capital letters

I jumped down from my bed the moment I saw that. Then I replied. "Really?" for Izzy to write in capital letters then it must be something serious.

"Just come tomorrow, to the Gutierrez mansion around four in the afternoon."

Am I getting a job? That was the first question that came to my mind. What should I wear? Should I dress corporate? Should I wear casual? How should I pack my hair? Should I drop it or curl it or should I put it in a bun? Many questions started flowing into my mind.

I have never complained about the way I dressed before but the clothes I have in my closet were too casual. I looked at the time, it was 11; 30 then I went back to bed.

The alarm buzzed around 5; 45 in the morning. I opened my eyes and can't wait for it to be seven but the clock was slow the way I was staring at it... 5; 46...5; 47... 5; 48... gosh it was too slow.

I went to take my bath and finally, it was 6; 30. I decided to wear my boot since it was winter period. I wore my faded blue jean trousers with a white round neck T-shirt then added my brown long coat. What was I going to do with my messy hair?

I took my black rubber band and tied my hair into a bun. It didn't look perfect, I didn't look perfect. I was not even near perfect but I was comfortable with what I wore. It makes me feel as if I was ready to conquer the world.

I picked up my bag and headed to the hospital. Chloe needed to do some physical exercise today and I promised to assist her with it. She improved to the point where she can walk with assistance, although standing for too long was a big problem.

She was too proud to use a wheelchair or a walker, still weak, but she was on the mend. She preferred the forearm crutches, she has strength in her legs but she has problems with her hips flexors and balance and that was what I wanna help her with today... to get her to balance.

I got to her room but she was not there, I went to the exercise room and found her trying to walk without her crutches. I could tell she was overworking herself. I could see the way she was struggling even though she knew it was painful.

Fifteen minutes later, I went to the cafeteria to meet Alex after receiving his call. He pulled my chair and helped me in. I wish I knew the look on his face. I wish I knew why he was here. Why did he call all of a sudden? He doesn't always have time for me. I drummed on the table.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, annoyed.

"About what?" to be honest I don't know what he was talking about.

"Why didn't you tell me Chloe has woken up?"

I was shocked. How did he know? Was that why he wanted to meet up with me? To break up? ... "Chloe has woken up?" I pretended as if I didn't know.

"Stop pretending, I know you knew about it... I have been watching your movement lately that was why I decided to meet you at the hospital."

I looked at him. "Are you spying on me?" I asked angrily trying not to burst into tears.

"Why wouldn't I? And if you don't let me see Chloe, I will tell everybody that you were the one that coursed her accident because you wanted to be with me."

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