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By now you might be thinking if I'm mad or what, like, who the hell publishes Chapter Zero with a name "The end" and ends the chapter with "The starting" !
It was genuinely intentional, Believe me, as this story starts right from here, and the old story ended there. (*Smiley face*)

Let me introduce you to this novel.

The genre is fairly predictable, yeah, it's a love story, spiced with a bit of humour.
The story revolves around the main protagonists Hardik and Viruti.

We had a brief meeting with Hardik, in the last chapter. He is a 1st Year MBBS student, studying in the India's topmost Medical college, AIIMS, Rishikesh . He's an intelligent guy with not so muscular body, but clever minded. He bamboozles people easily, manipulates them and most important among all, he easily creates opinions about people just by looking at them and generally, a good one.
Whenever he gets in a trouble, he talks to himself, hoping to get the best possible advise from inside him (after all, that's what matters the most).
He is very much fond of singing, programming (but due to family pressure he's in MBBS) and stalking people(especially girls) (*stalking here doesn't mean in a wrong way, he just wants to explore people*).

He has two best friends Pranjal and Rohan.
Talking of Pranjal First, he's a mad guy, with a spice of girliness in him. He always acts like he's the perfect one but lands up being the most stupid.
He's single, and will remain one, according to his behaviour, which includes talking to so many girls at a time. (*This thing is not liked by girls*). Afterall he makes people laugh and is a good person at heart. He's a great dancer, but he would try to impress people by any means.

While Rohan is really the perfect one, he makes everyone laugh, he trolls people, he's a jolly kind of person who brings happiness on everyone's face.
He's not single, he's a poet and gives almost perfect opinion about anything.

All three are close friends since they took admission in AIIMS. Pranjal and Rohan are from Rajasthan, while Hardik is from Uttar Pradesh.

Though different cultures, but united by friendship. He shares every detail of his life with them.

About Viruti, I'll not say much here,but she's jovial , kind and an understanding girl. She's a bit crazy sometimes, but that only makes her cuter . You'll get to know her in the upcoming chapters (because that's what make things intresting for Hardik).

This story will try to entertain you, and explain you the answer to the basic misunderstanding about love in a teenage life . It'll also try to suggest solution of their several things.

Just kidding.

Stay tuned. I'll try to communicate with you in between too. By using (*----*) these bracket and stars.

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Let's head up now!

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