Along came Matthew

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Oversleeping never happened to me in years. My alarms hasn't failed me up until three hours ago. There was a revving car outside and I hoped the car was Christian's.

It is weirdly consequential that I don't see him today. Vital beyond all reasons. If I ever so much as catch a glance, I will lose it. All negativity usually ebbs away with a good night's sleep. But not my resentment to Christian Parkinson.

I took a cold shower and shoved my legs to my denim overalls with multicolored cartoon drawings. I folded the sleeves of the white t-shirt that were a little long and headed downstairs.

There was no sign of the Parkinsons. Some of them might have driven back to the city. I strolled in the kitchen, suddenly famished. I rummage for a bowl and make myself breakfast: cereal.

"There you are."

I nearly choked on my mouthful of cereal but bit it back when I saw it was Audrey. "I'm sorry. Do you need me to do anything for you?"

She sashayed in, baby Miles in her arms. "No. I got worried when I couldn't find you all morning."

"Oh. Are we heading back to the city? Do you want me to go on ahead? I could—"

"Kylie." She takes the empty eat across from me. "I need you to eat your breakfast."

"So, we're not heading back yet?" I put my spoon back into the bowl.

"Tomorrow. For now, take the rest of the day off." She pecks on her son's nose as he blabbers something to his mommy.

I blink. "Day off?"

"Yeah. There's no reception here. I've hated Vren for that but this whole thing suddenly had a peculiar turn. Maybe, it's time for us to relax."

I nod and looked down to my cereal. I had a whole day to myself. During late hours at work, I wished I had just one hour to shut my eyes and doze off. And now that I get a lot more than an hour, I have no idea what to make of myself.



"You've been working for me for almost four years."

My back turned ramrod straight.

"No, don't give me that look. There's no way in hell I am ever going to fire you."

"Oh. What is it?"

Audrey smiled, a hand reaching over to me. The diamond on her finger sparkled in the daylight. "I am giving you a chance to escape my crap for a week."

"Wait, what?"

"You can stay in this cabin any time you want. Just think about it as a vacation." She shrugged, returning her hand around her son, jumping up and down on her lap.

"You're lending me this cabin?"

She nods. "Yes. And you pick the week."

My mouth hangs open. "Oh, my god. For real?"

"I'm glad you like the idea." She chuckles.

"But, wait, what about your—"

"I'll take care of it myself. You deserve the time off."

I couldn't help but smile. "Where is everybody?"

"They're at the lake," as if reading my mind, she continues, "Christian is still here."

My shoulders dropped.

"Audrey?" A voice rings from the entryway.

"Kitchen." She called out.

Vren appears in the doorway, eyes softening at the sight of his fiancée and son. "There you are, baby."

"Sorry we had to leave. I was trying to find Kylie."

At the mention of my name, I wave my hand at him. "She found me alive, so that's good news."

He chuckles, walking over to Audrey and kissing the top of her head. "That's a relief, Kylie. After what I heard last night, you must have had nightmare about the bear."

I stiffened. "How did you know about that?"

"We heard. It's a quiet house."

Miles reaches for his dad and blabbered the words close to 'dada' over and over. It delayed the horror for a second because it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. When it wore off, I froze on my seat and practically zone out until they said they would be back at the lake. I nodded, the thought of breakfast not appealing to me anymore.

I didn't know how long I just sat there until I decided to stomp out of the house and wandered around the cabin and found myself a stump. I stared down to it, fuming. I started kicking it with my foot. I didn't stop until my toes throb and burn inside my shoe.

"That stump did you wrong?" A voice comes up from behind me.

I turned around, about to rage on but let out a small sigh of awe instead. The same pleasured sigh when someone sees a beautiful view and the man standing a feet away is, by far, the most gorgeous view.

Dark brown hair clings to his beautiful head, his blue eyes breath-taking. His lips were curved into a smile, his teeth perfectly even and so perfectly white. He was picturesque.

A blush spreads to my cheeks. "I, um," I stammered.

"Don't worry about it. I won't tell if you won't." He chuckles.

I smiled. He was so beautiful, it felt like a daydream.

A very vivid dream.

Matthew Parkinson is standing in front of me. I'm used to seeing him on charity events surrounded by high-class people which he always stood out from. I had to thank Audrey for sending me to those parties on her behalf. I've met him before. We talked in those parties. But I'm not sure he remembers. I bit my lip reluctantly. "You might not remember but I'm—"

"Kylie Preston."

Oh, my god. "You remember?"

"Of course, I do. I know I've seen that vibrant scrunchie from somewhere."

I reached behind me to touch my scrunchie, color creeping up to my cheeks.

"I saw you stormed out of the cabin and caught glimpse of that cute thing." He looks over his shoulder, giving way to the view behind him. Christian was walking toward us, that annoying smirk on his face.

I ignored him. "I should be thanking this scrunchie then."

"You should. You remember me though, right?"

I giggled, horrified at how it sounded too girlish in my ears. 

And so it begins. Happy reading, my loves! A vote makes my day. Don't forget to tell me what you think on the comments below. Take care, you guys!

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