Charming Matthew

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I shuffled inside Kathie's expansive hospital room. If it were a regular room, I would be walking in a crowd squeezed inside like sardines. First off, the Parkinsons is a large crowd. And that's just the Parkinsons. Then there's Kathie's parents, David and Elizabeth Lewis. Chassie George Forester – her younger sister who came with her husband, Nathaniel Forester. Their children were nowhere in sight so my best bet is they're at home with their nanny.

Unlike the last time I stepped into a hospital room where everyone was practically passing a newborn Miles around, the room was quiet. Kathie is fine. The triplets too – a baby girl and two baby boys. They're in ICU, of course. Pretty standard for preemies.

Audrey waves me over and I almost tiptoed my way in in fear of disrupting the silence. She was sitting next to Kathie's mother, Elizabeth whose eyes – offspring of relief and joy – was on Kathie sleeping on her husband's arm. Cade shifted on the bed, making sure the movement doesn't stir her from sleep.

Kathie looks tired. No surprise there. She just pushed three human beings out of her womb, and that is beyond exhausting. "Emma's in the lobby," I whispered.

Audrey nodded, securing an arm around a dozing Miles before coming out of the room with me. Her fiancé followed suit. Like he couldn't stand not being close to her and their baby. He offers to take Miles but Audrey shakes her head.

Emma smiles as she sees us approaching. She slides the strap of her enormous bag higher to her shoulder and took the baby to her arms. "We'll go ahead."

Audrey nods, kissing her son's head. "Clear my afternoon, Kylie."

"Yes, of course." I beamed.

Emma left, Jessica Keith coming in the entrance of the hospital. Her fiery red hair astray atop her head and... dripping wet. She was dressed in what looked like a black grieving dress. She was panting by the time she made it to the reception desk.

"What the hell is going on here?" Audrey made a gesture to Jessica's entirety.

She sighed. "Do you have a hair dryer?"

"Sure. I carry around hair dryer all day." My boss rolled her eyes.

Jessica turned to Vren. "I know this is nuts, but do you happen to have a hair dryer?"

"Uh, no. What happened exactly? It's not like it's raining outside." He tried to look sympathetic, although amused is what I'm going to describe it.

"I woke up to a flooding apartment. I thought I was in Titanic, but then I have no Leo. So there I was, bathing in dirty pipe water without Jack. It wasn't that lonely though. I left my equipment at the studio so, that's one good thing. As a photographer I would die saving my cameras."

Audrey's nose scrunched up. "So, you're wet from dirty pipe water? Where did you get that awful dress?"

"No. I received your text about Kathie and stopped by a gas station and took a shower. And this dress is courtesy of my neighbor. She said she wore it during her husband's funeral. Isn't she a good neighbor?" She bats her eyelashes.

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