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Ash returned from Alola just a few days before. And, though he's sad to have left his family and friends he made and created in Alola, his heart is ecstatic for what the future brings!

But it hasn't been over fortnight since he returned to Palett Town, that he finds his old friends in a condition he never thought he'd see them in. They're terrified of what he could cause in the future: the danger and destruction. All they wanted was to look out for him, but there were unacknowledged about the feelings involved here as well. They try to tell him to re-evaluate, to think about the decisions he's made, to think about what he's caused trying to achieve his dream.

Ash is backed into a corner: on the edge of a cliff. He sees his past companions lending a hand out of a dangerous situation, but he knows by accepting their hand, he'll fall deeper than the cliff could ever make him fall. So he declines, he declines their help, declines their concerns, and turns to his Pokémon. He chose the ones who stood by him over the ones who tried to make him fall.

They didn't break Ash Ketchum, they didn't even leave a dent on him. They couldn't. Because this was Ash Ketchum of Palett Town. And he gets stronger with every battle he faces.


Note: The chapters that are in italic are either flashbacks or dreams. And if there are certain words italicized in sentences or dialogues, it means I'm emphasizing.

For all of you who have questions about simple things, or are just too afraid to ask, don't be! How else are you going to learn? Ask away!

And also, I'm pretty positive I'm gonna be having A LOT of typos. So, I'm counting on you readers to point them out for me! Not only typos, though. Point out the mistakes in facts, battles, abilities, memories, everything! I want this book to be the best it can be! And you guys, the readers, are the only people who can make sure of that!

Thank you for reading this far. I hope you have a wonderful life!

-Nova 💫

Resurgence | A Pokémon FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora