Chapter 20

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Hyeon-Ju's POV

No. No. NO!

He just shot Yoongi. He's laying on the floor with his arm stretched out to me. Laying on his own pool of blood. I felt rage, strong rage. I looked at Min-Hyuk and he stood up while swinging his gun. He was even happy!

You fucking asshole.

I felt myself stronger, I felt my nails became sharper. In the corner there was a mirror. My eyes were becoming dark red as my whites turn to black. Veins started showing by my temples. My fangs are so sharp, it can damage your skin if I bite. Min-Hyuk noticed this and was stopped at his tracks.

I pulled my hands, breaking the rope on my wrists. I flew off the chair and pounced myself to him, he let go of the gun because he was taken aback. I grabbed his shoulders and dug my nails into his flesh. He screamed in pain and quickly pushed me away using his strength.

I landed on both of my feet and growled at him. Blood was flowing down both of his shoulders, his tshirt soaked with his blood.

I licked my fingers which had his blood and got ready to pounce at him again.

He had done it. He woken the beast inside of me.

I jumped high to get to him but he dodged me with his agility. He then scratched me with his nails. He hit me on my side, causing to rip some of my shirt. I grunted and turned around to get him.

I ran, using all the strength I have to get to him. I grabbed the back of his shirt and threw him to the wall.

The wall cracked as he hit it. He fell down but he got up quickly. He's still not dying?!

He then ran to me and pounced at me. His hand aimed for my chest. I understand what he was going to do. He's going to go through my chest to get my heart and kill me but that is not going to happen.

I quickly dodged his attack and kicked his head. He widened his eyes as he felt his head cut from his body. I used force to decapitate him.

Rocky's POV

She... beheaded me. My head flew and fell to the floor. I saw my body dropped as she ran to the body of that guy, Min Yoongi. My body was slowly evaporating to ash. I felt my eyes burn, tears forming.

I guess, I can't have things I wanted. I just wanted her, I just wanted to love her. Why does this have to happen?!


"Rocky!" Her sweet voice called me. I turned around and saw her pretty face. Her brown eyes glistening in happiness. I have liked you for so long now. Ever since we met, ever since I laid my eyes on you.

She held my hand and I felt my heart beat faster. She's the only one who can do this. She can make my cold heart beat like crazy. She dragged me to the garden of their castle. This place is where we play all the time.

She's a vampire, and I am too but she doesn't know that. She doesn't need to know about me.

"Yeonie, when we grow up, I will marry you!" I said giving her a wide grin. She smiled and her eyes did too. She nodded happily and hugged me.

"Promise?" She said as she raised her pinkie finger to me. I looked at it and held it with mine.

"Promise me that you won't leave me," she smiled so I smiled back. I will never leave you, no matter what.


"You're turning 13 next year, you have to find your mate," her father said as I listened right outside of the room. My fists clenched as I looked inside.

"B-but what about Rocky?" She cried to her father but he slowly shook his head.

"That kid is a human, you don't need him! You need someone to help you rule this kingdom of vampires," I widened my eyes and they slowly turned to red.

No, there's no way. She can't find her mate. I want her to be mine, I want her to myself only. I walked out of their castle and walked back to the village.

On my way there I saw a hooded man with a katana. He had something written on his back.

'Kill all vampires'

He was a vampire hunter? Suddenly a thought came into my mind. I walked to him and tugged his robe. The man looked down and weilded his sword because he saw my eyes.

"Sir, kill all the vampires except for me and the girl in that castle," I pointed at the castle and looked back at him. "I will give you a great amount of money."

If I can't have you, nobody can.


"I love you..." I quietly said as I closed my eyes. The tears falling down and my whole body and head turning into ash.

Hyeon-Ju's POV

I ran to Yoongi. He has lost a lot of blood. What am I supposed to do?!

I put my ear against his chest trying to hear his heart but I heard nothing. He was not breathing too. My tears fell as I start to give him CPR.

I pushed his chest a few times and put my mouth to his to give him some air. It was not working no matter how many times I tried. I think fast on what to do until I came with a choice.

I have to turn him into a vampire. I have no choice! He has to stay alive, I can't lose him. I'm not losing someone dear to me again!

I moved his head, making his neck exposed to me. I tightly closed my eyes and sink my fangs to his neck. I drank some of his blood and turned him into my kind.

I'm sorry, Yoongi. I had no choice, I can't lose you.

Suddenly his back arched but he didn't woke up. I moved his lip up a little and saw his fangs. I sighed and put my ear to his chest again to hear his heartbeat. It was beating again and I gave another sigh of relief.

I looked at the boys and they were lying on the floor. Taehyung stood up while touching his back. His eyes widened when he saw Yoongi laying on the floor, unconscious.

I stood up and walked to him.

"Don't worry, he'll be okay. I hope..." I said and took my phone from my pocket. I dialled BamBam's number and he picked it up.

"I need your help," I said and dizziness got over me. I touched my head but I felt like I was going to faint. I was going to fall but Taehyung caught me and took my phone.

"Hyung, who ever you are. Please go to Hyeon-Ju noona's castle, if you know."

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