Chapter 22

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Hyeon-Ju's POV

We are now back in Korea. Since Yoongi doesn't still know how to control himself, I have to train him. He has to control himself or he might hurt his friends.

I looked at him and he was drinking synthetic blood. I sighed and put my book down then took off my reading glasses. I stood up from my chair and walked to him.

He stretched out his arm, inviting me for a side hug. I wrapped my arms to his waist, hugging him.

"You know, you won't survive just drinking that," I pointed at the cup he was holding. He sighed and shrugged.

"But that means I have to kill some people."

"Who says about killing people? I meant animals, I quit drinking human blood," I said rolling my eyes and then kissed his cheek. "Let's start your first hunt!" I said and stood up. He stood up and put the cup down and followed me outside of my house.

Jungkook was walking in our direction, he waved when he saw us.

"Noona, can I play with your PlayStation?" He smiled, showing his bunny teeth. I chuckled and let him. He grinned and thanked me then went inside of my house.

I'm so happy that we got along so well now. I still remember that he hates me to the bone but we are like best friends now. Same with the other boys. I feel like, they're a family to me.

I warmly smiled at the thought and turned my head to Yoongi. He was smiling at me too.

"You look pretty when you smile, smile often. You always smirk in a cocky way," he chuckled while rolling his eyes. I scoffed and smirked, the one he just described.

We started walking to the woods and talking about stuff.

"I thought me and the others won't get along," I said while looking around, looking for any animal so Yoongi can have a chance to kill it.

"How come?" He looked at me with a puzzled look.

"I mean, they hate me before," I shrugged and chuckled a bit. Yoongi smiled and shook his head.

"Well, they like you now," he said and kissed my temple. I rolled my eyes as I blush light pink. He still has this effect to make me swoon but if course, I won't show it but he knows. It's because I'm in love with him. I have fallen in love three times already and he's the only one to make me shy.

Just then I saw from the distance a deer. I stopped walking and Yoongi did the same. I pointed at the deer and Yoongi followed where I was pointing at.

"That's your first target," I said and leaned on a tree. "Go attack it, I will wait here."

He nodded and ran to the deer's direction. I looked over him and then sat down to the ground and looked up to the trees. The sunlight seeking through the leaves, giving it an aesthetic look. I like nature, it makes me calm. I closed my eyes and slightly smiled.

"You like flowers, right?" I remembered a voice making me open my eyes. Rocky, Park Min-Hyuk. I hate you but I understand you. I loved you too but I can't because I had to find my mate but I found him now.

I understand why you acted that way but it's still unacceptable. You're the reason why the other vampires were killed, you were the reason why my family is dead. You were the reason that Yoongi almost died.

"Hyeon-Ju! Come here!" I heard Yoongi's voice out in the distance. I quickly stood up and looked for him. I saw him waving his hands to make me come to him.

I raised my brow and walked to him. Does he have a problem with killing a simple deer?

"Look what I found."

Yoongi's POV

I ran to the deer to kill it. It noticed me and tried to run away. I tried to run after it but it managed to get away from me. I sighed and turned around but I heard rustling from the bushes.

I stopped walking and cautiously looked around. I saw a bush shake so I quickly ran to it and looked at whatever or whoever is there.

My eyes widened when I saw a little girl covered in dirt. She was shaking in fear. She was wearing a white dress and the ends of it were ruined. What surprises me the most is that her eyes were magenta. Is she a vampire? But Hyeon-Ju and I are the only vampires in this world.

"Who are you?" I asked her and she flinched when I spoke.

"Are you okay?" I tilted my head but she doesn't seem to answer. I furrowed my brows and stood up.

"Hyeon-Ju! Come here!" I called her and looked at the kid again. She's maybe lost?

She walked to me with a confused look on her face. I pointed at the kid.

"Look what I found"

Hyeon-Ju raised her brow and turned her head to the kid. Her eyes widened, absolutely surprised. She crouched down, leveling her height with the little girl.

"What are you doing here?" She gently said as her eyes turned pink. I looked at her in awe, does her eyes turn pink when she's gentle?

"I r-ran away," the girl finally spoke. Her lips were trembling. She looks terrified but from what?

"From where? Why did you run?" Hyeon-Ju's eyes were still pink and the girl looked really into it. She looks like she's being hypnotized but I think she just likes the color of it, considering she's a girl.

"From the bad guys," the little girl whispered, looking down to the ground. Hyeon-Ju tilted her head to the side.

"What bad guys?"

"The man with a white coat," Hyeon-Ju stood up and looked at me.

"It looks like she's talking about doctors or scientists," she said and pointed at the kid. "We should let her in for a while. She looks hungry," she walked past me then I looked at the kid. I stretched out my hand to her, inviting her to hold it. She looks at it cautiously but I made her think I'm harmless.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," I sincerely smiled at her. She seems to calm down a bit and hold my hand. We walked back to Hyeon-Ju's house.

Who could she be? Is she a vampire? Weird.

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