Chapter Twenty Five

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"I don't want to go to school tomorrow," I told Arrow with a sigh.

"I don't either, I would much rather stay in bed with you all day. Plus Monday's suck." Arrow ran his long fingers through my blonde hair.

My head was on his chest while we were wrapped up in my deep red blankets. "Maybe tomorrow will be a snow day, it is supposed to snow over night."

"That would be nice, we could cuddle and drink hot chocolate all day. I can eat you out all day too."

"Baby," I giggled. "You really have a way with romance."

"Always," Arrow chuckled.

"How does it feel that your girlfriend is older than you?"

"Hot But it won't be long till my birthday, Baby."

"I'm going to make it amazing." I told him before placing a soft kiss on his chest. "You deserve an amazing birthday too."

"I just want to cuddle with you on my birthday and of course have amazing birthday sex."

I smiled up at him. "Good."

Arrow's traced his fingers down my spine making me shiver. "Are you on birth control? I know we've never really talked about but I'm just wondering now."

"Oh, yeah. I'm on birth control. I guess we don't have to use condoms all the time, my dumb self completely forgot I was taking it even though it's been in my routine for two years."

"That just made my cock twitch, baby. You have no idea how bad I want to be inside of you without a condom...To feel my bare cock thrusting into your tight pussy."

I gulped at heading his words, he always made me so turned on...He knew what made me feel good and what words to use to make me wet, to make me want him.

It's weird to even think about having a sex life at such a young age but I had such an amazing sex life. Arrow always made me feel so good during sex, he always made me feel safe and he made me love myself more.

Arrow was such a great boyfriend and he defiantly knew that. I didn't miss a chance to remind him how great he was, not everyone is lucky enough to be in a safe, healthy relationships. I got so lucky to get such a good guy, I finally got one that was good.

"I love your dirty talk," I whispered to him and bit my lip.

"I know you do, baby. Would you want to have sex without a condom? I don't want you to feel like you have to because I want to try it." He rambled.

"Baby, of course I want to. Don't worry, you know I would tell you."

Arrow smiled and kissed my forehead. "Have you already started looking for your prom dress?"

"Course, I'm making my final decision this week actually."

"What colours do you have in mind?" He asked.

"I was thinking a baby pink, red or a gold colour. I'm thinking of going with a more classy style, like more of a plain dress with some details. A lot of the one I've been looking at have some details like flowers at the top of the dress while the rest is plain."

"You're going to look stunning."

"There's one I fell in love with, its blue and classy but I just didn't know at the time. Andrew refuses to wear a baby blue matching tie so I decided again it." I sighed.

"I'll wear a baby blue tie, I don't care what the colour is. I'll wear the matching tie."

"Baby, you're so sweet. I love you so much."

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