Chapter 19

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After the shower I found a pair of yoga pants and a baggy sweater, I got dressed and walked into the living room to find Raine reading a book on the sofa.

"Fault in our Stars ? Didn't take you as the girly type," I sat in the sofa opposite.

"I love girly romantic things, what don't you ?" I sat cross-legged, I picked up a sketch pad from the table and a pen.

"Oh I love all the sappy, romantic stuff, I'd love more than anything to have someone like Augustus Waters wisk me away to Amsterdam," I was doodling wolf eyes as we talked.

"Do you have a boyfriend ?" I paused. Did Hunter class as a boyfriend ? Did that mean I cheated on him by kissing Archer ?

"Kinda, it's complicated," I carried on to shade in the fur around the eyes.

"Tell me about it, we got plenty of time," she put down the book and copied the way I was sitting. I sighed, giving in.

"Fine, there's this guy, Hunter, we are kind of dating, we haven't actually been out but we make out and stuff, it's nice..."

"But..." She gave a knowing look before I rolled my eyes.

"But then there is his brother, Archer, he's so familiar to me yet I only met him a few weeks ago, he was the one who went in the building, he's told me he had compelled me before but since you can't undo compulsion I can't remember, he kissed me at the club now I'm really confused and-"

"Wait what do you mean you can't undo compulsion ?" Raine sat forward.

"He told me you can't undo compulsion, wait is there a way to lift the compulsion ?" I smiled a little, the fact I could remember seemed a good idea, if Archer was really dead at least I'd have some memories about him.

She was about to answer when her phone rang.

"Hold that thought," she grabbed her phone and picked up "Hello ?"

"Hey it's me." I heard a man's voice on the phone so I got up and looked around the place, I hadn't really had a good look yet.

"What's up ?"

"I need your help, have you seen a girl ?" I tuned out the conversation so I wasn't really paying attention.

"Everytime I look in the mirror."

"I'm serious Ruddle." Ruddle ? Raine must of seen my confused look as she wrote something on the paper while talking.

"So am I, you know my deal, all the information or nothing," she help up the paper, it said my full name is Raine Drop Ruddle.

"I can't tell you everything, all I can tell you is that this girl, she's important, she's a pure blood," Raine let out a gasp so I spun around, scared she'd see my paled face, whoever was on the phone wanted me, if she wanted to she could hand me over in the blink of an eye.

"Are you sure ? I watched the last of them take their own life," she'd whispered, so obviously I wasn't supposed to hear.

"Look, promise me if you hear something you'll call me immediately."

"I promise, I have to go," she hung up, then turned to me, but I was looking at a picture, it was of a couple, they looked so familiar, the man had these green eyes so alike mine and the woman had my black hair, it took a second to register who they were. They were my birth parents. In the picture was an older version of Raine smiling, did that mean Raine knew my parents ?

While I had been looking at the picture I hadn't noticed Raine had been talking until she touched my shoulder, I jumped and spun around.

"What did you say ?" I shook my head to clear it.

"I asked if you were okay, you were looking at that picture pretty intensely..."

"Do you know who they are ?" I pointed at my parents.

"Yeah Martin and Caroline, they were my mom's best friends, they were Pure Bloods," she smiled like remembering good old times.

"They are my birth parents," Raine's eyes widened as she took in the resemblance.

"You're who Max was asking about..." She started mumbling to herself.

"Wait Max ? As in works for Damien ? He was the one on the phone ?" Did he know if Archer was alive or not ? Did I really want to know ?

"Yeah, he was looking for you," she had a pitied look on her face, "I'm so sorry about your parents..."

"I didn't know them," I sighed before looking in her eyes. "Is there a way to take off the compulsion ?"

"Yeah, I have a potion, drink a bit and then it sends you to sleep, depending oh how much you were compelled to forget you will stay asleep."

Raine walked over to some draws, some where filled with herbs and suspicious liquids. She opened another draw with a few rings, necklaces and bracelets.

"What is this stuff ?" I picked up one of the rings.

"Daylight rings for vampires," my eyes widened. "Not all vamps are bad, just lost."

"I know," we were looking through a draw until she found a small vile,about the size of a shot glass, with bright blue liquid.

"Here, down it like a shot, it'll take a few minutes to kick in, so just enough time to get upstairs and get into bed."

"Okay," I opened the lid and took a sniff. I gagged. "What is in this ? It stinks."

"Little of this, little of that, just down it," I nodded it and chugged it down I one. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

We walked upstairs then I laid down on the bed and pulled up the covers.

"Hope you have good memories to get back."

"Me too," my eyes started to get droopy. "Night Raine," I fell asleep and let the memories take me.

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