Chapter 30

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~Chloe's Dress on the side~>~

Lizze had left us alone after our little 'talk' Chloe had stayed with us, Archer and I kept our distance, we were on good terms but as friends, and that's all we would be from now on. Hunter and I had been hanging out more too, he even took me out on a date, we went out for food then went back to mine where we fell asleep watching movies.

Right now Raine, Chloe, Dayton, Vicky and I were out dress shopping for the dance next week. The boys already had their stuff we just needed to grab our dresses and we were ready. We had been shopping for three hours and we had nothing.

"What about this one ?" Chloe held up a white, hi low dress with sequins over the bust.

"Tad flashy," I was looking at a few cream colored dresses.

"What about this one," Vicky held up a green see through lace dress.

"Looks like a hookers dress," Raine laughed and went on looking through a rack of dresses.

"Okay this is useless, no one can find a dress they think they would look good in so how about we each let everyone get everyone a dress, that way we have a selection and it's much easier." Everyone thought about Dayton's idea for a minute before agreeing. So each of us went off and picked up four dresses for the others.

thigh for Raine and a strapless plum colored flowy dress for Vicky. I got back to the changing rooms first so I put each dress in a different room waiting for the others, when everyone arrived and everyone had their dresses we all took turns in trying them on.

Chloe was first, out of the five she decided on the blue one I picked for her. On Raine's turn she decided on a red one shoulder dress that came about mid thigh. Vicky picked the dress I chose for her and Dayton picked a black strapless dress that I think Vicky picked. Then It was my turn.

I had one white dress that was very dainty and very me, I tried it on and everyone agreed it looked really nice, second dress was a dress that was like the white one but had a hi-low skirt to it. Then came, what I assume was Raine and Dayton's choices, one was a grey strapless dress with a corset top and at the back it needed to be tied up and the other was a black steam-punk dress with leather straps, I poked my head out of the curtain to look at the four.

"Who ever picked the grey dress come help me," Dayton got up and came into the dressing room, she tied up the back.

"Wow, you look lovely, just add the right tights, shoes and make-up, you will look more amazing then usual."

"It doesn't look very me," I stood staring at the mirror, I'll admit it looked good, but I usually went for the more light colors...

"It looks great, it's not the old you, the next you is kick ass and deserves a kick ass dress, now lets go show the others," she grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the others. They all agreed with Dayton so it was decided that was my dress.

Once we were done with that we were hunger so went for food, we picked up some food and sat in the food court.

"So, not to pry, but what was all that stuff about with Archer the other day ?" Everyone turned to me once Chloe asked.

"It was the stress of Lizze and some family stuff, then we had a argument before I was ill for a week and it wasn't resolved, nothing to worry about," I smiled at them.

"You swore Av, we have a right to be concerned, cursing is like your biggest no-no," Vicky wasn't letting it go.

"I know, how about about this ? The next time I curse we all start running like crazy because we will be having a big problem," they seemed satisfied by that.

The rest of the day we spent getting shoes, accessories and makeup, we all jumped in Chloe's car and drove to mine, she parked and we all ran upstairs to my room, put our shopping bags in Raine's room before getting changed into our PJ's then putting a movie in the DVD player and cuddling up in bed to gossip and just be girls.

It had been way too long since I had done something like this.

Since I had felt normal.And this was the perfect way to end a rubbish week.

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