Chapter 21 PART 2

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4Months ago

All week I had been going to Archer's after school and the weekend's, we'd sit watch movies, play games, go out for food or go to the park. I really enjoyed it, he was one of the only people who didn't look at me with pity in his eyes.

I unlocked the front door then put my stuff on the table.

"Hey, it's me," I looked around the apartment, empty, I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I sat on the sofa, reading my English book, To kill a Mocking Bird, once I was done with the book I'd have to write an essay. I opened to chapter one.

"Honey I'm home," Archer came in through the door with a bag full of food.

"Hey," he leaned over the sofa and gave me a quick peck on the lips before putting the food away.

"How long you been here ?" He started putting things in the fridge.

"Half hour, been doing my English Literature work," I walked over to the kitchen and hopped up on the counter.

"Well," He walked over to me and stood in-between my legs, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "We can either order in again and watch a movie or we can make something to eat ourself, which do you prefer ?"

"Can you help make stir fry ?" He smirked.

"Of course," I went to give him a kiss but instead he lifted me up and I squealed.

"What are you doing Archie ?" He fell onto the sofa with me underneath.

"What ?" He tried to be innocent but his eyes gave him away.

"Don't even try it," I pushed him back and got up. "Now either help me cook or watch me cook."

"Well watching does have it's advantages," I rolled my eyes then moved to the kitchen getting out the right stuff. As I started to make the food Archer came and joined me, after an hour we finished, ate it then fell asleep on the sofa.


I got out of the school doors and spotted Archer's car, I said my goodbye's to Tyler and Vicky then quickly went to the car, as soon as I stepped in the car Archer kissed me.

"Well hello to you too, how come you picked me up ?" I put on my seatbelt.

"We are going out for food," he started the engine and we drove off.

"Where to ?" I turned the radio on, listening to the pop songs.

"A nice pizza place around the corner," I stayed quiet until we pulled up outside a small restaurant, with little lamps in the window. "Come on," I got out and Archer grabbed my hand, he led me inside, it was so beautiful. The tables were all lit by candle light, the walls had little fairy lights along it and there was a music box playing songs in the background.

Archer led me to a small booth that had a candle in the middle and fairy lights hanging above this.

"This is beautiful, how did you even think about this ?" We ordered our pizza and started chatting.

"Hey I can be romantic," I gave him gave him a hard look so he rolled his eyes. "Fine, my cousin Dayton suggested it, but I went through with it so I get some credit."

"It's sweet," I leaned over the table and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Our pizza came so we dug in, when we finished we got back in the car, and quickly drove to the Ice cream place, we got two tubs then took a stroll in the park. We were mindlessly chatting when I froze.

"Avalon ?"

"Yeah ?" I took a spoonful of his ice cream and winked.

"Why is it everytime I look into your eyes there is always a shadow of sadness there ?" I froze but kept eye contact.

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