Week 14:

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COVID is really fucking everything up!! The entire children's hospital is at a low census. They closed half of our unit for the ICU to take over (which essentially means they're not opening it up back for us). This means that the unit I'm on has too many nurses. The supervisors are stressed, trying to figuring out where to place all of us. Since I am a newer nurse and hire, HR called me and offered me a position on a different unit. It's possible I'm moving to this unit in June, and will be required to work there for at least 12 months. 

New unit, new people?? Fun! I'm kinda nervous on what will happen though. My career is really starting off rocky, but I also realize I'm privileged to even have a job and have a career at such a young age.

It's not to say I like nursing--don't get me wrong, I still despise it. I need to learn to cope with my emotions and manage my time better. I have to give myself a break though. I've only been a pediatric nurse for 3 months. I'm learning and trying my best. That's all I can ask for myself. :)



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