I have accidentally become...an informatics nurse

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I have no idea how this happened and I never meant for it to happen. Long story short, this "new unit" i was supposed to pilot has been delayed. The patient census across the hospital has been greatly reduced because of covid. Because of this, administrators rationally thought that it wouldn't make sense to open up a new unit when the already established units are not filled. 

They didn't want to lay off their nurses (thank god!) so they created this position I will be transitioned to in August...I will now teach people how to use iphones that are replacing our current ascom system. This is funny if you know anything about me: I am the WORST with technology. You should see my own iphone. it's so damaged!!!! I'm kind of relieved by this though. I do need a break from patient care AND I'll be doing the hospital a favor. You're welcome!!!!!

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