When She Realized That She Loved You

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A/N: Don't worry, this isn't rushed. You and whoever you chose had been spending a lot of time together over the six months that you two were friends. For your quirk, it's Senses Enhance, it will be the same for every scenario. Basically what it does it heightens your natural five senses. This also increases your strength, speed, and intelligence.

The downsides are that you can only use it for ten minutes and it requires a lot of water intake. Reason is unknown. All the scenarios for this chapter are going to be in her point of view. Sorry if some of these are shorter than others, I'm single as a Pringle so I wouldn't know.

👽Mina Ashido👽

Her P.O.V

I was talking with Y/n about our favorite heroes when she brought up an actress. "She was so pretty!" She told me while playing with her H/c locks. i felt a pang of irritation go through me, I wanted to be the only pretty one in her eyes. Why am I feeling like this? The bell rung, which signaled for us to leave and go to our next class.  I was walking behind her when she turned to me and smiled. "You know Mina, you're really cool. I'm glad we are able to spend this time together!" Y/n said to me. I blushed, but you couldn't tell because of my skin. 

"Same here, Y/n!" Giving me another smile, I realized that in that moment I fell in love with Y/n.

💚Tsuyu Asui💚

Her P.O.V

I was walking with Tokoyami when I saw Mineta approaching Y/n. Not thinking much of it, I continued my conversation with Tokoyami. A couple of minutes went by and I heard Mineta's scream. Looking over, I saw that Y/n kicked Mineta into a wall. "Don't say that about Tsu, you perv!" She exclaimed. I felt my heart swell, I was happy that she stood up for me. I was lost in my thoughts when she walked over to me with her notebook. "Sorry that perv said something about you. You really don't want to know. Anyway, I have a surprise for you!" Y/n explained. It took me a minute to respond because I was staring at her lips.

 I snapped out of it while blushing. Luckily, she didn't notice. She opened her notebook and flipped through a couple of pages before landing on one. "I drew us! I hope you don't mind." She told me. I felt my heart swell once more. She is so cute! Wait, do.... I like her? I mean, she makes me so happy......I think I love her. Holding up the drawing, I saw it was a picture of us together eating some sushi. Yep, I love her.

💕Ochako Uraraka💕

Her P.O.V

Ever since I was hanging out with Y/n more often, I couldn't help but feel happy around her. She was perfect to me, I knew she had flaws, but in my eyes that was what made her more beautiful. Being caring, kind, and generous, it was no wonder I fell for her. Wait........I can't love her. I'm being ridiculous, right? But she makes me so happy! I......really do love her. Smiling to myself, I plopped down on my bed and pulled out my phone, seeing a picture of me and Y/n together. I turned a dark color of red and fell asleep, dreaming of a future with Y/n.

🎶Kyouka Jirou🎶

Her P.O.V

Y/n was out of town for the week so that meant we couldn't meet up. I was in the music store when I saw a bass guitar. I was immediately thinking of Y/n. Why wouldn't you? She is my dream girl. Pretty, intelligent, kind, and into music. Those thoughts stopped me in my tracks and my eyes widened. I fell for Y/n!  For some reason that made me over the moon with excitement. Should I tell someone? Will they make fun of me? Will they accept the fact that I like girls? Deciding to take the risk, I called everyone to tell them that I was attracted to girls, thankfully, everyone was supportive. They also swore to secrecy about my feelings about Y/n. Before I hung up I heard Denki and Kirishima planning a plot to get us together. 

👠Momo Yaoyorozu👠 

Her P.O.V

I'll admit, when Y/n approached me with the idea that she could help me improve, I was skeptical. Why wouldn't you be? But, I'm glad I accepted. Over the time we have spent together, I could feel our bond strengthen but when she addresses me as a friend, it kind of breaks my heart. I don't know why but she makes feel inspired, energized, happy, and important. I was sitting in my room thinking about the situation I was in when I suddenly remembered that I had a book about this sort of thing. I grabbed the book from my library and began to read. After finishing the chapter on romance, I realized love is something that you can't learn simply from a book, so I pondered in my thoughts a bit longer when I finally reached my desperately needed conclusion. I love Y/n.

👍Itsuka Kendo👍 

Her P.O.V

I was bored out of my mind in class. Thankfully Monoma was absent, which gave me sort of a break day from his shenanigans. My thoughts soon drifted to my friend, Y/n. The word 'friend' didn't seem to fit her. Partner or anything in the spectrum other than girlfriend didn't seem to fit. It wasn't a real shock to me that I was attracted to girls because I knew beforehand, but this was still a shock. I like Y/n. Like didn't seem to fit either. I think..... I love Y/n. She's so amazing in my eyes, she encourages me when nobody else will. She is like my personal cheerleader . She is kind to everyone she meets and it makes my heart beat faster every time she is close.

🛠Mei Hatsume🛠

Her P.O.V

After another day of hanging out with Y/n, she soon had to leave for an appointment. Once she left, I immediately seemed to miss her. I adored everything about her, how she didn't get annoyed at the fact that I blew up alot of things or how excited I can get. She supports me no matter what and I felt attracted to her. Who wouldn't be? She's perfect in my eyes. Y/n will always comfort me when something doesn't work out or how she will remind me to take care of myself. Her caring nature means everything to me and I think I love her. I will confess sooner or later! I want to have her be my partner in crime, which is ironic since she's training to become a hero. I don't care what others think, only what she thinks!

🎇Nejire Hado🎇

Her P.O.V

After that day me and Y/n have been inseparable. We would go everywhere together and it always made me happy. seeing her happy made me happy. I was walking with Mirio and Tamaki when Y/n tapped my shoulder. I could feel my heart beat faster and I also felt my face heat up. "Hey Nejire, want to come over to my place later?" She asked me. Her beautiful E/c eyes shined with excitement. 

"Of course. See you there!" I responded with my usual happy tone. 

"Great!" And with that she left. Mirio smirked at me. 

"Someone's got a crush~" He teased. I turned red. 

"I do not!" I responded frantically. "T-then why are you blushing?" Tamaki asked me. 

"It's just the lighting!" I once again responded frantically. The blonde put a hand on my shoulder. 

"We don't care if you like girls. You're still Nejire." Mirio said. That relieved me. 

"Y-yeah, do you think we would a friendship over that?" Tamaki questioned. I shook my head

"No, thank you for your support. I'll admit, I do love Y/n." I said. I was surprised by the words that came out of my mouth, but they felt so right. Mirio and Tamaki smirked to each other. 

"By the end of the week we will make you guys a couple!" Mirio exclaimed.

♠Saiko Intelli♠

Her P.O.V

I knew from the moment I saw her at the Sports Festival that she was something special. The way she used her quirk was amazing and unique like her. I was sitting at my desk while drinking tea when I thought about Y/n. The way her hair shone in the sunlight and the shade of her eyes made me smile. That's something that is tough to do. I love when we would hold hands at the mall so we wouldn't lose each other. I adore when she blushes or when she is in an outfit that complimented her flawless S/c. Her intelligence was probably my favorite thing about her, she was incredibly smart both academically and situational. Her feisty and sarcastic attitude is what I live for. I was about to get more lost in my thoughts when I realized something. I love Y/n. 

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