Chapter 39

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Yesterday, I was PEACEFULLY protesting in my (American) city when I was tear gassed, and some people were shot with rubber bullets. For everyone thinking that the police is justified in responding to protesters with violence, know that we were NOT looting, only holding signs and doing chants. We will NEVER stop resisting until there is justice, and we will not be silent. To those complaining about the protests and are sick of me speaking out on this, know that from the bottom of my heart...


This bonus chapter is dedicated to my queens & kings out there in the streets protesting. I know not all of my readers are old enough to be protesting, but you can still help raise awareness and sign petitions.

No justice, no peace.

I continue to pore over the book, but found no more mention of whoever the "he" initially referenced was.

"Hey Thane?" I get off of the floor, the book clutched tightly in my arms. "Do you mind if I borrow this book?"

His eyes are still focused on his paperwork, his eyebrows furrowed. "Of course not, Onyx. What's mine is yours," He says, waving his hand dismissively.

"Do you have a Seer in your pack?" I ask quietly after a moment. I read about those Gifted with Sight in the book I held. Apparently they had varying degrees of clairvoyance, intuition, and precognition.

That catches Thane's attention.

He sighs, putting down the pen and looking at me skeptically through thick lashes. "We do. A very old, very senile one, but yes, she does have the Sight," He says slowly. "Why do you ask?"

"Can I see her?" I ask quietly, hesitating to ask in fear of being told no.

Thane analyzes my face. "Why?"

I shrug. "I just have a few questions. Maybe she can help with the kidnapping mystery," I add, though I don't plan on asking about who did it.

Thane snorts. "I doubt it. She's very old. Her mind is starting to slip, she only speaks in riddles or unclear statements. Talking to her is far more trouble than she's worth, and you're not likely to get any useful information."

"Can I just try?" I ask, my voice soft. "Please?"

Thane considers, rubbing his jaw. "I don't see the harm in that. Would you mind if Leo took you? Or I could go with you tomorrow."

"Leo is fine," I say, probably too quickly. He nods, and his eyes glaze over momentarily as he mindlinks him.

"He'll be here soon," Thane says, his attention going back to the papers.

I nod, mumbling a quick thanks as I leave his office, unsure why I feel anxious to meet the Seer.

In truth, I want to ask her about my darkness. If, as the book says, I will truly become as dark as my Gift suggests.

I want to ask her if it's possible to have two mates.
While I mostly believed Finn was merely delusional, I couldn't help the nagging feeling that there was more to the story. I mean, there had to be some reason for why I felt sparks when our skin touched.

I go downstairs, where Leo was already waiting.
"You got here fast," I noted.

He nodded. "Thane said you wanted to go see Ethel? Hoping to learn your future, little wolf?" He asks teasingly.

I give a forced laughed. "Something like that. You think she's crazy too?"

Shrugging, he guides the way as we leave the house. "Not sure I believe in all that prophecy stuff. Seems a little far-fetched."

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