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"Onyx, where should I put the wood?" Dean calls out, sweating under the hot sun as he carries a huge log. I could have used my magic to help him, but this was way more entertaining.

"And for the record," Dean adds with a salacious wink. "I mean the log wood, not my-"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I know what you meant Dean. Put it with the others. I want this house built by next week, and we're behind on schedule."

Dean rolls his eyes and mutters something about me being a dictator, which makes Ronin smack him on the head.

I look at the developing house proudly and grin.

Ten years have gone by, and since then, we have found and provided shelter for so many rogues, the house Finn built was filled to the brim. So much so that we're building another one right next to it.


I think of him every day, see him in every rogue we save.

Some days are harder than others, and I spend hours reading over the letters he used to leave for me, most of them wrinkled from dried tears. There are days where I can't leave my bed, feeling his loss so intensely it's like the day I lost him.

The nights are even worse, and sometimes I wake up screaming, terrorized by visions of my deceased mate.

But he is always there.

He holds me when I cry, grows poppies if the hugging isn't enough, which means our bedroom is often filled with them.

And as time went by, the bedridden days and nightmare-filled nights get fewer and further in between. With every rogue we save, I feel a crack in my heart mend over.

A small hand tugs on my jeans.

"Mom, can Finnegan and I go play in the garden?" Delilah asks, pouting slightly. Like I could ever tell her no.

I ruffle her golden hair. "Fine, but make sure that your brother doesn't step on any of them. You know Uncle Ronin is protective over his garden."

The truth is, Ronin loved those two children as if they were his own, and the last time Finnegan trampled an entire patch of daises, all Ro did was laugh and chase him around the garden.

"And be back for dinner," I call out as she runs away, dragging her dark-haired brother along with her.

Delilah and Finnegan, my children who have never known a day of pain, who I hope will never have to see how truly dark the world outside our protected lands can grow. My magic hides the land around us, constantly draining the life from plants that Luke regrows every day.

The Seer from Blue Moon once advised me to choose growth, which I hadn't understood at the time, but now meant everything to me.

Speaking of...

Luke wraps his arm around my waist. "The house is coming along nicely, no thanks to Dean's antics," He smiles, the corners of his eyes wrinkling.

I sigh, but relax in his touch. "There's still so much to do."

He kisses the top of my head. "And it'll get done. We'll see to it. Where are the kids?"

I giggle. "Do you even have to ask?"

"Maybe they'll tire themselves out enough before bed," Luke suggests hopefully. "And we'll be able to go to bed early without story time."

Ah, yes. Story time.

I tell them stories from my life, leaving out the gruesome details, but telling them the truth nonetheless.

I tell them about a female Alpha so brave, so fierce, so deadly on a battlefield, wolves would pass down legends about her for centuries. And they do.

I tell them about Ares.

I tell them about a rogue that dreamed of a better future, a better future where young pups wouldn't be scared to go into the woods, and how he would have done anything to make it a reality.

I tell them about Finn.

I tell them about an Alpha that lost everything and everyone far too young. He had every reason to let his heart turn ugly and take it out on everyone else. He's the kindest person I know, and it's why we got married and started a family. I tell them about their father.

I tell them about Luke.

I tell them about a rogue thrust into a world she didn't understand, and how she had to grow up quickly to learn, but never let the darkness take over.

I tell them about me.

And so from my stories, they learn to be brave. Generous. Resilient. Strong.

Above all, they learn to be kind. To never let their souls turn rotten, no matter what adversity they face. There is always a choice, to do good, to be good.

After all, compassion is the only thing that separates us from the beasts that lurk in the shadows of the night.

Awww so sad it's over :(

The 4th book in The Gift Chronicles is posted on my Wattpad page!! The first few chaps are up, so make sure to add it to your library to get update notifications. Right now, I'm planning on FINISHING the 4th book- It's called Between the Dimensions- on my Wattpad.

Hope you all loved ONYX as much as I do, and I hope to see you over in the Between the Dimensions comments.


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