Hanging with Onyx

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My eyes cracked open slightly at the lighting of the room. I groaned and went to move the covers but felt fur. I looked down to see Onyx curled up infront of me. I smiled but was mad at myself, I could've woke him up!

That's, like, the number one pet rule! Dont. Wake. Up. Your. Pet. No matter where they are. But I really gotta pee.

I slowly slid backwards and out the bed, curse the creaks that it makes. I kept my eyes trained on Onyx as I carefully put the covers on him slightly. I went over to my bathroom and reached for the door kn--"AH!"

Onyx? He was just.. I looked back to my bed and he wasn't there. I look back infront of me, and here he is. Wide awake too.

I opened the door and stepped over him. I looked at the mirror and my eyes widened "Their gone?" I went back to my bathroom door way and say the ears on my pillow and my tail on the floor. "How did.."

Onyx meowed up at me and I smiled "Did you take them off? Aww, thank you~" I bent down and pat his head "Jesus, you got one loud ass purr" I rubbed my eyes with a small whine "Now I'm cold..." I went for my shorts but remembered Onyx was in here. I turned to him "Dude, you gotta leave"

He tilted his head and my heart just burst... Too cute

"C'mon please? I gotta go" His eyes squinted and I pointed to the toilet "I gotta pee!" He stood and walked out, finally. I closed the door and did my business.

After washing my hands and brushing my teeth, I walked out the bathroom and saw Onyx laying on one of my pillows. Me, being the fabulous lazy shit I am, climbed back under my covers and closed my eyes once I got comfortable.

A paw was pressed on my face and I hummed. Another pat was on my face and I waved it away.

Then a n o t h e r pat was made and my eyes opened "What?" I just noticed that he had black pads, they felt soft. Onyx meowed at me and looked to the door, then back to me. I whined and turned my head to my new buddy "But Onyx, sleep is life~"

He stalked over and pawed at my face again. I sighed "Fine. Give me two hours and I'll be out" The black cat made a noise and his eyes narrowed "What? One hour?" His expression didn't change. I thought for awhile "Forty minutes?" He still looked the same.

"Wow, what about thirty minutes?" His face still didn't move "C'mon! Thirty minutes isnt even that long! Plus, I'll let you sleep with me" He sat up with an expecting look and meowed at me eagerly while his tail swished around. I chuckled as he snuggled into my body.

"You must be a huge cuddler, then"

He purred as I ran my fingers through his fur, which was so fucking smooth! His tail wrapped around my wrist as I did so.

He purred as I ran my fingers through his fur, which was so fucking smooth! His tail wrapped around my wrist as I did so

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"Ok Onyx. Would you rather have lemon on your chicken or coke?"

Onyx gave the girl a weirded out look as she held up the can. (Y/n) put her hands on her hips "What? It's a family thing" She smacked her lips and turned around "Don't judge me.."

The black cat took a chance to look around her kitchen. It wasn't as large as the one in the Manor, but it would have to do. (Y/n) glanced back as she poured the coke on the chicken "Onyx, you think you can help me get the Seasonin' from the cabinet in there?"

She pointed downward to the lower cabinets. Onyx meowed and padded over, standing on his back legs slightly and pawing at the knob. It didn't open. He sighed and tried again, it still did'nt open.

Onyx narrowed his eyes and tried to pull it open. It opened slightly but slammed back closed. A chuckle was heard above him. Onyx looked up to see the (h/c) haired girl smiling down at him. "Here, I'll help"

She opened the door and let him get the spices they needed. The cat looked through each spice and then picked one up with his mouth. He hopped up on the counter, like a damn super saiyan, and released the seasoning. As it dropped, a flurry of dust went in the air. (Y/n) scrunched up her face while Onyx's nose wiggled.

"Acho! Ah, fuck.. Bless me"


The girl looked down at the cat as he sat up correctly and sniffled. (Y/n) 'aww'd' and scratched under his ear "Aww, you cute little thing~ Bless you" While the cat looked pleased on the outside, a slight pain surged through him at her words on the inside.

'You don't know how much that hurts me..'


"Oh~ Your fur is so fucking soft!"

(Y/n) ran her fingers through his fur while the black cat just sat in her lap and enjoyed. Her (e/c) eyes trailed from her new friend to her Maid outfit. Then they landed on the cat accessories.

She hummed in thought and then stood up with the cat on one of her arms and walked over to it. The cat gave her a confused meow as he stared up at her. (Y/n) sat him down and picked up the headband. She looked back in the mirror and placed it on her head. After that, she tied the tail back on and waited.

Nothing seemed to be wrong. She turned and looked at her body in different angles. She sighed in relief and moved her hair but gasped at just seeing the black ears. "It happened again.." She glanced back down to the tail and went to touch it but it moved away. She went the other way to grab it but it turned again.

Now she was running in circles to get her tail. Onyx shook his head at her logic with a sigh.

The girl gave up and layed on her bed. "Ugh...How did I get them off last time?" Onyx thought for a bit. He then meowed and ran over, pawing at her cheek. (Y/n) lift a brow "Huh?" The cat turned and ran onto her bed, picking up a sheet with his teeth and covered his body. "Ooh! You wanna go to sleep?" (Y/n) pulled the covers over and laid down some "Good, 'cause I'm tired too"

The cat shook his head and then brightened somehow. He ran up to the girl and curled up next to her. (Y/n) layed down in a more comfortable spot and watched as the cat stood up and pulled at her cat ears with his teeth. The girl winced "Ow, hey! What're you.." She watched as he placed his paws on her eyes and pulled at her ears again, nipping at them lightly this time.

Her eyes bucked wide as a small gasp came from her "So when I'm sleep, that's when they come off?" The cat nodded "Wait.." (Y/n) crossed her arms "What if no one's around to help me get this shit off?" The girl layed back with a long sigh.

She smiled as the sight of the red eyed cat giving her a curious stare "I'm goin' back to sleep" As she turned to her side, Onyx meowed at her and she simply ignored him. However, the same ball of fur layed down on her pillow as she slept.

'Sleep is always the key..'

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