A Gorgeous Coon

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The little girl smiled at the stoic boy "My names (Y/n), what's yours?" The boy stared at the dirty girl for a moment. She was just running around in the sand box.


(Y/n) suddenly jolted up from her bed and looked around her room in a panic. How did she get here? She remembered being downstairs.


She looked down at Onyx who pawed at her arm. She softly smiled "Guess it was a dream. Hey, cutie" The Cat purred as she lift him up and sat him in her lap, just like old times when it was just them.

(Y/n) thought back to what happened 'yesterday'. Kyoya Ootori, the dude from the Ouran High School Anime. How the hell is he real? Does that mean Ouran's real? And what the hell was that dream? And was that really Sebastian?

She looked down at her Cat "..." Onyx let out a confused coo as he was put on the mattress. (Y/n) stood and walked over to her closet, whipping something from under her bed. Her shoe.

She opened her door and looked left and right, passing by Cayenne as he sat on one of the window seals. She looked over the stairs and everything. Ok, either she was engaging a wet dream or his ass was in front of her..

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes and opened her door, looking left and right. She sighed and turned to leave till she saw something in the middle of the road. It looked like a furry pillow.

She squinted her eyes and went to walk closer "The hell is that?" The grey furs were moving on it by the wind. She stopped at her mailbox as the thing sat there. But, when the pillow wiggled and moved on it's side, wiggling its little legs in the air, she flattened her lips. (Y/n) chuckled "Heh. That's not a pillow. It's a fuckin' Cat....Wait, it's a Cat.."

The sound of a car speeding down the road was next. She looked at the red car and then the Cat as it laid on it's back.

The tiny Cat was soon scooped up and held close to something's chest as they ran to the other sidewalk. (Y/n) let put a breath of relief as the sudden adrenaline drifted away and the car skidded to a stop. A woman stepped out and glared at her "Watch where your going, fucking idiot!"

She stepped into her car, after flipping (Y/n) off, and sped away. (Y/n) scoffed and did the same back "Who the hell is she calling a fucking idiot.."

She looked both ways to see if she was in the clear and walked back over to her home. She looked down at the Cat as she closed her home door "Now, what were you doin' out there?" She lift the feline up in her one hand and looked it over. It suddenly started shaking, making her give it a worried expression "Oh shit, are you dying? Do you need medication?"

The Cat started vibrating even much more, making her look it over for any scars and she found a couple. She also found out it's gender in her search. Another Male Cat. Then, she continued her search for scars. One across his face, one on his neck if you moved his fur. What happened to him?

She 'aww'd' and hugged the grey kitty closer "Aww, the poor baby..." The grey Cat purred in her hold as she snuggled him "My, what luxury~"

She then felt a presence near her, staring at her as if it was asking for attention. (Y/n) looked down to see Midnight looking up at her. She smiled and bent down, hugging the Grey Cat closer "Look who I found outside" Midnight stared at the Cat while said Cat had a smiled on his furry face, looking as if it would never disappear.

(Y/n) lift the Cat up with a smile "I think I'm gonna keep 'im" The Cat meowed at her, making her smile wider. She shook it's fur but coughed at all the dust that emerged from it. (Y/n) deadpan wheel Midnight backed away, disgusted by the sudden disturbance.

"I got the perfect name for you. Dusty"

The Cat vibrated yet again, more dust falling off. (Y/n) flattened her lips "Yeah...Let's go get you cleaned"

"Luckily, I have Cat shampoo and conditioner 'cause I don't have time to send you guys some where to get cleaned and I'd rather do it myself"

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"Luckily, I have Cat shampoo and conditioner 'cause I don't have time to send you guys some where to get cleaned and I'd rather do it myself"

The grey Cat meowed up at her as she poured water on him and put some shampoo on his fur. The Cat purred as she scratched through his fur and brushed her hands on him carefully.

Soon, the grey Cat, or Dusty, was all clean. She sat him down on a towel and went to top everything up. That was until a bunch of dust flew her way yet again. She waved her hand around to make it fly away and looked back down to see the Cat smiling with his dried, wild hair "How the hell are you still dusty!? You really do live up to your name, huh?" She looked over the grey Cat. However, there seems to be a difference on his fur. It had black streaks on its legs and a big fluff of white and grey on his chest as well as giant grayish paws.

She stared at him in awe "Wow, you're a pretty one, huh? You must be a Maine Coon. I've always wanted one..." The Cat purred at her in response. She then tilted her head "About those bangs of yours. Shouldn't I cut these off--Hey, hey! Alright, I'm sorry" The Maine Coon wiggled once more as she checked over her hand. He had slashed at her but she didn't get caught.

She then sighed "Now, how the hell am I gonna introduce you to the others..."


"Is it done?"

A few men dressed in black watched as a red car drowned to the bottom of the river, the woman inside banging the windows and asking for help.

One of the men lift the talkie to his lips "Yes, sir"

The Male on the other side smirked, twirling his pen through his fingers "Perfect...Watch over her. If another problem comes again, find it, exterminate it"

"Yes, sir"

The Male sat the talkie down and looked back out his window, staring at the Moon. All while (Y/n) was doing the same from her own window.

I love adding Mystery

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