Get the Fuck Along

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It was early morning. The birds were chirping, the sun was shinning.


And the cats were fighting.

(Y/n) groaned as she sat up. She scratched her (matted/wild) hair and threw her covers off, marching away to her stairs. She put her hands on her hips and glared at the two felines running around and scratching each other.


They both stopped and stared at the (h/c) haired woman as she glared at them from above "Sit your asses down. Now" Onyx hadn't seen this side of her before. He meowed at her and treaded over, only for her to stop him and slam her door shut. His ears flattened as he turned and scowled at the feline across from him.

"This is all your fault"

Midnight stalked over "How so?" Onyx narrowed his eyes "She never even yelled at me before you popped up now, I can't even enter her room anymore.." Midnight huffed "You're hurt over a Human girl ignoring you?" He shook his head "You make it sound like she's yours"

He grunted as he fell back, a claw on his neck. His golden eyes glared into red ones as they flickered a bright fuchsia.

"She is"

(Y/n) sat on the couch while eating ice cream

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(Y/n) sat on the couch while eating ice cream. Suddenly, a dark purple cat came over. He sat next to her and she lift a brow. 'He never comes this close really...' He always kept his distance from the girl, even when sleeping.

It's sad really

She turned away and watched the T.V. (Fav/s) was on, and she didn't wanna miss that! A pat was made on her arm. She looked down to see Midnight pawing at her, giving her an expecting look. "Huh?" He put another paw up and stretched his body. She tilted her head "Do you wanna be picked up?"

The cat stared at her. He never really spoke like Onyx did. She shrugged and sat the ice cream on the floor along with her spoon. (Y/n) picked him up but as soon as she went to put him in her lap, he hopped up to her shoulder and layed down there instead. (Y/n) gave him a wide eyed look "Oh.. Ok.." She slowly faced forward and bent down, picking up her bucket of diabetes and continued to eat her ice cream.

Midnight had a reason he came up there. His golden eyes analyzed each part of her body until he found it.

A bite mark

(Y/n) glanced back to check on him and 'oh'd' once she noticed where he was staring "The bite mark?" Midnight nodded and settled himself in a better position. She sat the spoon in her mouth and look up in thought "Well, one night Onyx had bit me for some reason right there" She took the spoon out her mouth and went to scoop the ice cream "I never knew why though" (Y/n) cringed a little as her face scrunched up "It burned too... Hurt like a bitch" She rubbed the spot as the thought came back to her.

She took another scoop and ate the delicious treat while the cat on her shoulders thought of what she had said. His golden eyes glanced to the black cat lounging on the counter in the kitchen.

'...He didn't..'

The red eyed cat sent him a glare and turned around, hopping off the counter


'He marked her...'

Claude watched from a distance while Onyx helped (Y/n) make dinner, bringing her spices that she needed. (Y/n) smiled at him as he sat the salt in front of her. She pat his head as the cat turned Demon nuzzled into her palm, purring at the action.

'How long has he been here that he had that much time to accept a Human as a Amour?'

(Y/n) looked to Midnight as he sat far on the stairs. She tilted her head with a soft smile "Aww, you look so depressed and lonely" The cat gave off a bored stare as she walked up a few stairs and sat next to him. She pet his head as he stood like a stone statue. His eyes then started closing once a sound emitted from him. Midnight leaned into her touch as she gently sped up the process.

A huff came from the kitchen, causing him to realize what he was doing. He stopped and sat up, moving away from her. "Aw, Midnight. You're always surprised when you purr. It's so cute~" The cat threw her a glare, not giving a fuck on what she said. (Y/n) deadpanned "..What the fuck did I do?"


Her bright (e/c) eyes looked down at Onyx.

Little bastared

"Aww, do you want some love too?" Onyx sashayed up the steps and rubbed his head on her thigh. "Oh, I cant wait to return to my original form. Then, we could really have some fun, hm (Y/n)?" All that came out to her was a meow. She lift him up and kissed his forehead "Hmm..." She cradled him a bit "I gotta go to work soon. If it happens again, Onyx,"

He meowed at her in curiosity "You got my back" He nuzzled into her hand, giving her a 'yes' in reply.


Onyx strutted down the upstairs hall. (Y/n) had left for work not too long ago and he has, yet again, grown bored.

Midnight wouldn't admit it, but he has noticed a slight change in the red eyed cat. Figuratively and literally on Cat.

One: He's a lot more cocky

Always teasing him whenever he got his way

Two: He's spoiled

Midnight thinks that since he's been here longer, their caretaker must've catered to him more than usual. He's just surprised he's not a fat cat

Three: He acts like he owns the place

Onyx has been far from his Master for so long, that he has more freedom to do as he pleases. Therefore, he acts like he's King of the world here.

If Onyx was getting this treatment, he wanted it too!

He's been dealing with a spoiled Master for too long and this was his chance to finally get a vacation. So, he decided to finally come to his senses.


The cat stopped in his tracks and looked back, sending a small glare to the Trancy Butler.

"Let's come to a compromise.."

Sebastian tilted his head and turned fully to Claude "..Explain.." Claude stayed far across from him, their voices echoing in the dark hallway. "As the Humans say, 'You're living the life' and therefore, so do I. Our caretaker wants us to get along so that's what we shall do"

Sebastian 'lift a brow' at his statement, causing Claude to roll his own "Of course we'll be faking it. As if I can even stay in the same room with you for three minutes. Ugh.." Claude turned around and walked off, heading into the darkness.

"...I accept"

He stopped. Claude didn't suspect him to answer. "However, if you even dare take her away from me, consider this little 'compromise', as you call it, broken" Sebastian walked away this time. Claude shook his head. "Don't even dream of it, Michaelis" He walked away himself, heading to (Y/n)'s bedroom.

'I prefer to waste my time on things that are actually necessary and important'

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