A Strange Encounter

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(Y/n) yawned as the red Cat walked alongside her, rubbing his fur on her to gain her attention, his purrs and meows aiding him. She sighed as he meowed repeatedly at her "Cayenne, I gotta get everyone situated first, not just you" The cat simply stared at her for a while.


She flattened her lips as Cayenne meowed at her again and again. Shaking her head, she bent down and picked him up "Fine, there. Ya happy?" Cayenne purred as he sat in her arms, laying his head on her slightly "I'm more than happy, darling" She pat his head and let her hands go through his fur once they reached the kitchen.

She picked up the two cans of tuna and sat Cayenne down back in the floor. He whined at her as she picked up three little bowls, trying to evenly split it between the Cats. They all hated having to share the same bowl, so picky. So far, it seems that Onyx and Midnight didn't seem to like Cayenne, that shows as to why he's around (Y/n) so much. Especially, Onyx. For some reason, he's been a bit more hostile than usual.

Always hissin' and swippin' at Cayenne, even when he didn't do anything but sit there!

Midnight looks as though he could care less if these two were fighting. If he was getting fed and sheltered, even though he didn't need it, that's all that matters.

(Y/n) sat the bowls down and let Cayenne eat from his. She pat his little head and went up the stairs to where her two little black munchkins slept. She creaked her door open "Hey, Babies~" She glided her hands through their fur as they slowly awoke. Onyx was first, purring and cuddling her hand while Midnight shook his head and yawned. (Y/n) chuckled and rubbed their heads "C'mon, it's breakfast time"

Midnight arched his back as he stood and Onyx happily came over to (Y/n), rubbing his body against her leg. (Y/n) let them both go out of the room and to the kitchen. She chuckled and then stretched her back, going down stairs as well.

Once she made it down, she picked up her T.V. remote and hummed as she looked over the channels "Mm...Maybe The Office...Nah, nah, Haiykuu...Nah..." Cayenne tilted his head as he saw her flipping through channels "Oh, here's one" Before she could press the button, a knock was made on her door. She sighed and got up, sluggishly walking over to see who it was. She opened the door and looked up to see a pair of dark brown grayish orbs behind two lenses.


The Male smirked down at her "I presume you are Miss (L/n) (Y/n)" The girl nodded and then looked back, confused as to why the fuck a Limo was outside. The Male hummed and held out his hand "It seems you have met my little Brother. Kazu Ootori" (Y/n) sat her hand in his and shook them with him "Yes, and.." The tall Male's face fell a bit "I see. He hasn't told you of our status. Well, I am Ootori Kyoya"

'Ootori...That's why it sounded familiar!' (Y/n) stared at him for a bit longer "...Ok, so, why did you come?" Kyoya looked over her home from behind her "I wanted to see what kind of person my Brother has met. Hm, at least you have a clean home. Can't say much about clothes.." (Y/n) pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes "Yeah, well. I guess that's it. Imma head out..." She closed her door but his foot had stopped it.

She glared as he opened the door and walked inside "Bro!? Who invited you in?" Kyoya nodded as he looked everything over "Nice touch of the décor. It has a fine aroma as well. And..." He paused. (Y/n) walked over with a lifted brow "Huh?" She looked back down to see him staring at the three Cats that stared right back at him. Kyoya stared at them one by one, taking them all in "I see. You have Pets.." The girl crossed her arms and walked over to them "Hey! Their not Pets" She pat Midnight on his head "Their my friends.."

"Really? You must be terribly lonely"

(Y/n) glared at him "Ay! Piss off, bitch!---I can see why my Brother has an interest in you" Her face shifted into one of confusion. Kyoya smirked down at her as she squatted by her Cats "He was never one to follow the rules and you have a snappy attitude, a perfect match" (Y/n) huffed and flipped him off, causing him to chuckle. Kyoya turned his back to her

"Spice is nice, afterall"

He sent a small glance back at Onyx, the Cat giving him a suspicious glare, once he was finished and went to the front door "It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss (L/n)" A glare swept over his glasses as he looked back at her "Till next time.."

Once he closed the door, nothing but silence swept over the group. Well, except for Grell who was waving himself with his paw "Oh my! What a charmer! He sounded like Bassy~ Don't you think Trancy Butler?" Claude only glared at him and then went back to minding his own business. Grell shivered "Playing hard to get, hm? Well, I'm sure my Bassy would agree with me, right Ba---AHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!"

The two Cats looked up at (Y/n) as she held a slipper at the stranger in front of her "Who are you and how the hell did you get here?!" A man, tall with a similar build to this 'Kyoya' guy, was standing right in front of her. She stepped back a bit while he held out his hands "My Lady, everything will be alright"

(Y/n) squinted her eyes once she saw his hair. That style looked familiar. She took a small step close and looked over his face. A small gasp came from her shorter being along with a face of disbelief.


She suddenly feel into his arms, eyes closed. Claude shook his head "Yes, you truly are a better Butler than I, Michaelis. Knocking out our Caretakers must be a new chore to our list" Sebastian glared at the golden eyed Cat while Grell gushed about how Sebastian looked bare.

 Knocking out our Caretakers must be a new chore to our list" Sebastian glared at the golden eyed Cat while Grell gushed about how Sebastian looked bare

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Kazu sat in his room with a bored look, he didn't have anything else to do but sit here and listen to all the expectations his Family wanted for him.


The ravenette glanced back at his older Brother who stood at the door with a smirk and crossed arms. Kazu 'tch'd' "The hell do you want"

"I like that girl. Try not to run her off like the others"

Kazu stopped and looked back to see Kyoya walking out the room and closing the door. Kazu furrowed his brows and grit his teeth.

He just had to be involved with everything he did, huh?

He just had to be involved with everything he did, huh?

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Introducing Kyoya!

Trust me, this wont be the last time we see him👀

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