Little fawn p.1

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"Your ugly!"

"Says the one who looks and eats over cooked burnt bacon all the time!"

"TCH!..At least I wasn't born as a freak of nature!"

"I-I am not a frea-!"

Freddy stabs his fork into the table, shutting Bubba up once and for all, then growls at him "Of fucking course you are, don't you even fucking look at the mirror to even fucking see that?!"

Bubba was a sensitive boi, Freddy and the gang knew this, and he broke.His tears and wet sobs echoed around the kitchen table, soon he ran away.Crying harder then before.

"That fucking baby had it comei-.." Then it happened, Michael came right behind Freddy silently, then STABBED  him in his shoulders twice "..OW!THE FUCKING HELL MICHAEL!?"

Now Brahms was in the walls, seeing what happened between Bubba and Freddy, but everyone could hear him as he spoke in his child like voice "You hurt Bubba's feelings, now you get punished!"


"He really didn't snitch on ya Freddy bear.." Billy just comes into the house, Stu by his side with groceries..stolen ones probably "...aren't we supposed to be hiding away from the popo?We could literally hear you screaming from outside loud and clear Freddy bear.~"

Freddy growls lowly, shoving Micheal off him "Fucking hell move you over grown statue!.." then walks over to see, well now notice, someone was missing "...da fuck did hockey puck run off to?"

"Hunting..." Hannibal walks in, washing his hands coated in deep red dryed blood "...he was kind enough to go hunting for a deer for all of us-."

"Hannibal who did you kill this time?"

Hannibal drys his hands off, looking at Stu from the old worn out kitchen door way, he then gives a cold chuckle as well as a smirk "My meal for tonight, and to the days that may come later."

"DiSgUsTiNg!" Freddy grimace, walking towards his room "Fuck you guys and good night!" then slams the door shut.

Micheal really didn't bother to know much of his surroundings, he was just wiping - no, not cleaning it - Freddy's blood off.A tinted silverish red shimmers off his beloved weapon.It, just by looking at it, made him want to continue to stab people like Freddy.He wanted to cause bloodshed like no tommor-.

"Micheal please do go and check up on Bubba, he may need it." Hannibal points up, the sounds of someone sobbing echoing slightly.

Micheal stood there, knife in hand, and stares.Then he nods walking out the kitchen, pass Stu and Billy, and up the stairs.His knife was now in his jumpsuite pocket.


"Dame bullies!..." You hiss, placing the last (F/Disney Character) bandaid onto your open fresh wound, groaning "...I really wish they leave me alone for once!"

After that was done you grabbed your bag and walked out of the school bathroom.It was already 3 minutes away from school ending for fall break.Taking this opportunity you got out of school early.Once out you decided to go down the forest road that so many people claimed as 'Once entered you shall never return' trail, it really was like that at all to you.It was actually a nice open shady trail, it was nothing bad at all.

Taking your phone out of your pocket you see that the time reads 2:45 P.M, your school endding time "Okay, how about some calm.." you pull out your (F/C) headphones, tuning them on slightly " time."

You then press shuffle, then smile as the songs beat and rhythm hit your eardrums.

'All of my life
I thought I was right
Looking for something new
Stuck in my ways
Like old-fashioned days
But all the roads led me to you.~'

You hum the song, walking to the slow beat it provides.Not looking up from your feet.

'The house that you live in don't make it a home
But feeling lonely don't mean you're alone
People in life, they will come and they'll leave
But if I had a choice I know where I would be!~'

Smiling you sang along softly to yourself, not knowing about the prying eyes you have suddenly gain from with the shadows of nature.

'Through the lows and the highs,
I will stay by your side
There's no need for goodbyes,
now I'm seeing the light
When the sky turns to grey and there's nothing to say
At the end of the day,
I choose you-!~'


Now that wasn't you.You froze up at the thought of being followed the whole time...could it be your bullies?Are they not satisfied with what they have made you into??Did you do something wrong once again to cause them to go this far???There is so many questions but little to no answer for any of them.


Oh god, this was more louder and closer now.You fear of being beaten again by your bullies increased as the shrubs began to move and shake once in a while.Something was there, someone was there...

"H-Hello?.." You gulped, swallowing your fear slightly " anyone t-t-there-?"

Then it came was just a deer, fawn in fact, chowing down on a mouthful of grass and leaves.The more the fawn stands there and stares at you the more you felt relieved and happy it was nothing that held harms way towards you.You were safe.

Taking a deep relaxing inhale you wave goodbye to the fawn, smiling "As much as I like to stand here and admire you, I got to go so bye-OOF!"

Your face smashed right into something soild, like stone actually, but when you look up....a man with a hockey mask towards over your form, breathing loudly as he held a machete in one hand.

Maybe you really should of have heed that warning huh?

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