Chapter 28/175: Fake Smiles

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I woke up the next day to the slight thudding heard in the room. 

Fluttering my lashes open, I straightened as I uncovered myself from the blanket, rubbing my eyes sleepily.

And what a scene it was. 

Or should I say, he was.

He was in reverse, hands on the ground, legs up in the air, as straight as a pointed arrow. 

And he was shirtless, his back muscles glowed seductively in the sunlight entering the room, especially due to the thin layer of sweat forming there. Goddamn and that bum in those dark jersey pants.

My mouth went dry at the scene. What the hell! Why am I never gonna get used to seeing him half-naked?!

And he was going up and down in headstand push ups. 

I watched him silently, and he continued his workout in silence as well. 

Every ten push ups, he'd take a ten seconds break where he would do a one-hand headstand, then go back to his air push ups.

Around a minute or two passed, before he finally lowered his long muscular legs into the ground, straightening up.

A blink escaped him, as I came right before his sight, sitting in bed gaping at his Godly scene.

I jumped slightly, flushing as I fidgeted.

He reached out for a towel he'd apparently placed at the edge of the bed, running it over his perfectly sculpted face. 

His gaze was as cold as ever, yet it was ten times more arrogant and proud, especially with his awareness of how hot and tempting he looked. The devil!!!! 

"How long had you been observing?" His voice came composed and unfazed, as he checked his phone. 

I bit my lips, as I descended from the bed, "Uh, I just woke up!" I tried shrugging the topic off, "And what are you doing so early in the morning?!" 

He shot me a cold gaze meant to scold me for attempting to lie, or possibly freeze me for questioning him, "If by early, you mean nine am, Signorina, then I have to disappoint you that I've been up since six. I had some work to complete, and then I completed my morning training routine." He spoke smoothly, as he turned on the electric water thermos.

I pouted, "How can someone be this efficient since six?" I eyed as he headed to the bathroom. "Ah, I need to use it to brush my–" 

"My shower needs five minutes, exactly the time needed by the thermos to heat my coffee water." He shut the door behind him. 

Seriously! Who plans his day this precisely!!!!

I headed towards the closet, pulling out another swimsuit pair and a sundress to attire above it. 

Eyeing my green swimsuit, my thoughts headed to Sarah. 

And her attitude yesterday. 

Specifically, that cold look in her eyes. 

What the hell was that... 

After we came back last night, both Mr. Ellington and I seemed in a very stunned state. Although the almighty him preserved his unfazed expression and cold look, I could tell he was thinking the incident through, twisting it and viewing it from different perspectives in his mind. 

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