Chapter 5 ✔️

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Dear Diary

I've never been one to cuddle. Sure the little arm over the waist and legs tangled together sounds like fun but there's no chance that I'd stay in that position for the whole night. I'd feel like I'm suffocating or drowning in flesh. I have decided that I'm never going to go out with Emily again. I mean who gets that drunk that they end up in a tree half naked? I have a strong feeling this girl is going to test my patience to the max.


I crack open one eye then close it immediately once the sunlight attacks me. Why didn't the moron close his curtains last night? Speaking of morons, I look over to see Tyler still fast asleep a few inches away from me. I'm glad he listened to my brief warning last night about not touching me. It's unfair how someone can be so beautiful yet act like an complete asshole at the same time. Shaking my head I climb out of his bed. Once my feet hit the floor I instantly regret it. My feet are still sore from all the walking and dancing in my heels last night.

I walk around the room in search of all my belongings. I pull on my mini skirt from last night. Reaching over for my tube top I realize that it's not as white as it was before the party. I probably spilled something on it. I stay in Tyler's shirt as I grab my heels with one hand and my tube top under the same arm. My phone is in Emily's purse. I really do hope I find her purse otherwise I'm most likely going to lose my shit.

I turn the doorknob of Tyler's bedroom door and face palm myself as I realize it's locked. Damn it. Tyler probably locked it to make sure no one came in here to have sex or something. I exhale dramatically as I spin around in search of his key.

"Looking for this?" I hear Tyler's raspy voice from his bed. Looking over to him I see him half awake now with the key in his hand. Great.

" Just unlock the door." I sigh.

Tyler quirks his eyebrow as if he's waiting for me to say something else.

" Please?" I plead. I guess that is what Tyler was waiting for seeing as a grin broke out on his face. He got out of his bed, morning glory and all, and walked over to the door. I try and keep my eyes trained on something else besides his body. I mean like come on, he's only in his boxers. There's only so much a girl can handle.

" Thanks for letting me keep my balls." he chuckles as he unlocks the door and swings it open.

" Thanks for not touching me." I smirk as I walk past him. Just as I pass him I feel him spank my behind. I shoot him a quick glare as I continue on my search for Emily's purse.

Just as I step foot into the corridor I'm met by at least 7 pairs of eyes. I stare blankly at their shocked expressions. As if they've never seen a girl walk out of a boy's room looking like absolute crap after a party. I do recall that I'm in a frat house so that would explain the males in the corridor.

Not giving them a second glance I walk past them. The next 20 or so minutes are spent on me looking everywhere in the house for Emily's purse. Just as I was about to give up I found her purse in the refrigerator after searching for a snack. Purse hunting with a hangover can worn you out you know. God only knows how her purse ended up in the refrigerator. Next on my to-do-list for the day was to locate my roommate and drag her back to our dorm so that I can sleep for the rest of the afternoon.

" My head feels like a pack of wolves demolished it." I hear Emily moan as she enters the kitchen. Looks like I didn't have to search for long.

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