Chapter 23 ✔️

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I cringe from how loud Emily is. I think she had too much candy seeing as she's jumping up and down on her bed. She claims that no matter what age you are, candy is a necessity when it comes to Halloween. I didn't argue with her but now I wish I had.

" I'm so excited!" she continues on jumping up and down while I fear for my precious hearing ability.

" You have been excited for the past 3 weeks Em." I laugh as I tie my hair up into a high ponytail.

Emily finally calms down a bit before running off to the bathroom. Sometimes I feel like this room is too tiny to maintain Emily's energy. She's like a German Shepard, she needs her space to run free and a dorm doesn't quite fit the criteria.

" So Ashton is coming over to pick us up for the football game and then after the football game he's going to drop us back at the dorm and then we literally have like 45 minutes to put our costumes on and do makeup and oh God, we're not going to make it for the Halloween party. " Emily explains but it looks more as if she's ready to faint.

Not on my watch. I grab a hand full of candy and stuff some of it into my purse for an emergency later on and hand some to Emily. Her spirit immediately lightens up as she unwraps the candy and pushes it into her mouth. She no longer looks as panicked as before. I give myself a mental pat on the back.

" He's here!" Emily yells after a short while and grabs her purse.

I do the same and lock up the dorm. We quickly make our way into Ashton's car and speed off. I'm surprised we aren't running behind this time. We're never on time.

Soon enough we come to a stop in the crowded parking lot and make our way over to the bleachers. My eye catches Zac who is with the rest and I make my way over to him. It was a little bit of a struggle seeing as I had to climb over a few people.

" Hey Ally." Zac greets me as he swings his arm around my shoulders.

I greet him and the rest of the group. We sit and small talk till we hear the crowd start cheering meaning that the game is about to start.

My eyes land on Tyler as he jogs out onto the field. Even when he's jogging he still manages to look good. I hate this guy.

* * *

" Damn Ally." Emily gawks once I step out of the bathroom with my Halloween costume on.

I've been so busy this last couple of weeks that I almost forgot that I still had to go costume hunting for the Halloween party. What caught my eye in the costume shop was the sparkle from the costume. It looks basically like a two piece sparkly bikini set tied together by a cris cross sparkly strap that crosses over my stomach to attach the top with the bottom. Over the bottom part of the two piece is a sparkly see-through skirt that makes the whole costume look less revealing but classy at the same time. I have on elbow length white gloves with diamond engravings by the elbows and matching high heels with straps that wrap around my ankle.

" It was a last minute thing." I chuckle as I push Emily inside the bathroom to finish up. We're already late as it is and I don't want to waste more time.

I continue to apply the finishing touches to my makeup as I wait for Emily to step out with her costume on. Once she steps out my mouth opens wide in shock. She looks gorgeous.

Emily decided to dress up as princess Jasmin this year. She liked the whole Arabic vibe going around. She has on the geni-pants and the matching top that looks more like a bra than anything else. I can't say much because my costume is more revealing than Emily's. The exposed part of her skin is tanned against the light blue material and she even has on the matching hair band from princess Jasmine. Her costume also has a faint sparkle and she's taking a huge risk by not wearing any shoes and only an ankle bracelet that connects from her ankle and down to her big toe. It looks gorgeous but risky, especially going to a party.

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