Chapter 8 ✔️

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Dear Diary

I'm starting to get used to living with Emily. She's loud that's not hard to miss but I've learned that she's a good person. I might even refer to her as a friend now. She still needs to lose some of the pink for that to happen. I've even started listening to the gossip she has to tell. Greystone College can get interesting. I was stunned to hear that she has been seeing that waiter guy, who's name is Ashton, that gave his number to her the other day. It's been a while since I've sat down and written to you but college life is busy okay. You're probably wondering about Tyler. Well I haven't seen much of him. When I do see him he's with Mason and God I still can't stand the sight of that guy. Tyler did stop by the dorm the other day to bring me soup when I was coming down with the flu. Emily had something to do with that even though she denied it. She's playing undercover cupid though she's not being so descrete about it. Speaking of playing cupid, she invited us all to go to the annual Greystone College bonfire. Well more like told us that we are going. Everyone is going. This will be good.


" Hurry up we're going to be late Ally!" Emily yells from the bathroom. She hops out with one shoe on while trying to put on her earrings.

I close my diary and glare at Emily. " We wouldn't be late if someone didn't lose their key for the dorm."

Emily rolls her eyes as she slips on her other shoe and starts throwing stuff into her purse.

" I'm sorry that I'm forgetful. You were supposed to have your key with you."

I stand up and pull on my shoes as well. I'm already dressed so it's just Emily that is keeping us here. Like usual.

" You said you were taking a key." I argue as I grab my purse.

" You should still take your key. "

I chuckle as I grab the cooler box and open the door. Emily locks the door and we head down to my car. I insisted on driving once again because I actually like living and with Emily driving there is a chance we might not make it.

We load the numerous stuff that we'll need for the bonfire into my trunk. I'm actually really excited to get out of the dorm and enjoy myself. The last time I went out was to Tyler's frat party and that was like 3 weeks ago. I'm actually really proud of myself for staying committed to my work.

" You sure you don't want me to drive? I know the roads better than you do." Emily asks.

" I'm sure. I have a GPS that'll do just fine." I say as I climb into the car.

I turn up the volume of the music before I speed off. It still feels weird driving without my sunglasses. I should look into buying a new pair even though it won't replace my pervious ones.

" So are you and Tyler going to get it on tonight?" Emily smirks.

Here we go.


" You had to turn right there!" Emily yells into my ear.

" Don't fucking yell! I'm trying to concentrate here!" I freak out. I hate it when people raise their voice at me. Especially when I'm driving.

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